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Star Wars Day: Carrie Fisher receives posthumous star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on May 4

Star Wars Day: Carrie Fisher receives posthumous star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on May 4


HOLLYWOOD, LOS ANGELES — Carrie Fisher received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, a May 4 tribute to one of the “Star Wars” franchise’s most beloved figures.

On Thursday, Fisher – who died in 2016 – joins ‘Star Wars’ co-stars Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill on the Hollywood tourist attraction which recognizes luminaries from film, TV, music and other entertainment industries . The stars of the trio are all located on the 6,800 block of Hollywood Boulevard, near where the original film debuted in 1977.

“Carrie was one of a kind and belonged to all of us, whether we liked it or not,” Hamill said at Thursday’s ceremony. “She was our princess, damn it, and the actress who played her turned into a fiercely independent, fiercely funny, beautiful woman who took our breath away.”

Fisher played Leia Organa, who in six films went from princess to general leading the forces of good in her fight against oppressive regimes aiming to control a galaxy far, far away. Billie Lourd accepted the star on behalf of her mother.

“My mom used to say you weren’t really famous until you became a Pez dispenser,” Lourd said. “Well, people eat candy from his neck every day. I’m saying you’re not really famous until you get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.”

Lourd told the crowd that she first understood her mother’s “Star Wars” heritage the first time she went to ComiCon with her.

“I realized then that Leia is more than just a character, it’s a feeling. She’s strength, she’s grace, she’s smart, she’s femininity at its best. She knows what she wants and she gets it. My mother was brilliant. She covered her world in it both literally and metaphorically. She left a mark of her brilliance on everyone she met.

Fans have long campaigned for her to receive a star on the Walk of Fame. The honor comes on May 4, essentially a holiday for Star Wars fans which is a play on a line Fisher often said in the movies, “May the Force be with you.”

Devotees around the world celebrated with a variety of tributes, while retailers held special sales on Star Wars merchandise.

Fisher received the 2,754th star on the Walk of Fame. Ford received his star in 2003 and Hamill was honored in 2018.

“I will never stop missing her, but I’m so grateful that we had her for as long as we did,” Hamill said.

Walk of Fame stars are awarded to artists who are nominated and a $75,000 fee is now required to create and maintain the star.

The Walt Disney Co. is the parent company of Lucasfilm Ltd. and from this station.




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