MSU Summer Theater Season Begins June 13 | News, Sports, Jobs
If smiling is your favorite, Season 58 of Minot State’s Summer Theater offers a full schedule of performances.
“We are happy to welcome our audience back for an evening on the hill under the stars,” said Chad Gifford, artistic director of MSU Summer Theater. “We have a lineup of shows that have never been done here before and a mix of community members you know and love back on stage. Thanks to the addition of a sprinkler system, the green hills will look more alive than ever.
The season will highlight “Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville Escape!” “Doctor Dolittle,” “Calendar Girls” And “Elf the musical.”
The kick off of the season is “Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville Escape!” every evening from Tuesday June 13 to Sunday June 18. Directed by Gifford, the musical features original songs and some of Buffet’s best-known classics, including “It’s five o’clock somewhere” “Fins”, “Volcano” And “Cheeseburger in heaven.”
“We are starting our summer with a show that is more than anything for our adult members”, said Gifford. “’Escape to Margaritaville’ brings together several Jimmy Buffet songs into a concert-like musical experience that will be a lot of fun in the sun. You might even be asked to sing along if you know the lyrics. It’ll give you a great time!”
The second performance of the season, family “Doctor Dolittle,” tells the story of a wacky and kind doctor who can talk to animals and will take the stage from Friday June 23 to Monday June 26, then from Wednesday June 28 to Saturday August 1.
“Calendar Girls” will be on the Josh Duhamel stage from Monday July 10 to Friday July 14. Based on the true story of 11 elderly women who pose for a calendar to raise money for the Leukemia Research Fund, this show has a PG-13 rating.
Complete Season 58 East “Elf the musical.” From Monday, July 24 through Friday, July 28, and then Sunday, July 30 through Tuesday, August 1, the performance based on the beloved holiday flick will end the summer on a high.
“We have some great family shows on the schedule this summer with ‘Doctor Dolittle’ and ‘Elf the Musical'” said Gifford. “Talking Animals and Christmas in July should make for a fantastic experience for the whole family. Come eat popcorn, drink a root beer float and enjoy a night on the hill.
“You should also come see ‘Calendar Girls’, the only show that isn’t a musical this summer, but instead is based on a true story of retired women who decide to fundraise in a pretty sleazy way. You have to see it to believe it!” he added.
Doors open for all performances at 7:30 p.m., with screenings at 8:30 p.m.
Tickets go on sale Thursday, June 1 at 9 a.m. and can be purchased online at MSUSummerTheatre.universitytickets.com or by calling the box office at 858-3228.
Tickets are $8 for children 12 and under; $11 for seniors, high school students, active military, and Minot State summer school faculty, staff, and students with current MSU ID; and $16 for adults. Deluxe seats are also available for $25-$35 and include access to the Hook & Ladder wine bar.
Minot State University’s amphitheater has been home to the Summer Theater Company since 1971 and has undergone a $2.8 million comprehensive renovation over the past two summers, including an all-new plaza, bathrooms updates, better accessibility and lower level concessions.
New for 2023 is the updated Kevin Neuharth Green Room, named after Minot’s longtime state professor.
“We are thrilled that cast members of the shows can relax backstage in the Kevin R. Neuharth Green Room, complete with comfortable seating and air conditioning,” said Gifford. “Summer Theater’s new heart will keep our actors fresh and ready to blow you away.”
The finishing touches to the amphitheater will take place during the summer with a canopy covering the stage in time for the current season, a marquee panel installed later in the summer and an updated wheelchair lift post-season .
“The audience will be amazed when they see the new canopy above the stage,” said Gifford. “Not only will this protect performers from the elements – allowing shows to continue more frequently after rain – but it will allow us to provide new insight in multiple ways to improve performance.”
Sources 2/ https://www.minotdailynews.com/life/arts-entertainment/2023/05/msu-summer-theatres-season-starts-june-13/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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