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Kashmir-produced Bollywood film ‘Welcome to Kashmir’ receives enthusiastic reception in Srinagar

Kashmir-produced Bollywood film ‘Welcome to Kashmir’ receives enthusiastic reception in Srinagar


Manpreet emphasized the hope that this film would spark a debate crucial for the betterment of society, stating, “We believe this film will spark conversations about these important topics and lead to positive change.”

The film boasts a cast mostly made up of local actors who shine in the lead roles, bringing authenticity and depth to the story. It explores significant issues that have plagued Kashmir, including gripping depictions of drug addiction, women’s empowerment and the complex dynamics involving Jammu and Kashmir’s police force, according to the report.

Under the direction of Tariq Bhat, “Welcome to Kashmir” was filmed amidst the region’s breathtaking scenery, showcasing its natural beauty to the world.

According to the report, from the scenic locations of Sopore, Watlab, Wular Lake, Rampora Rajpora and Gurez Valley to the bustling streets of Srinagar, the film weaves its story into the tapestry of Kashmir’s captivating backdrop.

Ahmad Shahab and Mateena Rajput from the region deliver standout performances as the male and female leads, respectively.

Tariq Bhat, the director, co-wrote the screenplay with associate writer Ashpak Mujawar, ensuring an authentic depiction of the region’s rich patchwork of stories.

The film’s moving music, composed by Ishfaq Kawa, a gifted singer and songwriter from Baramulla in North Kashmir, adds a compelling layer to the narrative.

Umar Adil, head of the casting process, skillfully assembled a talented ensemble that captivated audiences with their artistry, according to the report.

Multiplex owner Vikas Dhar expressed his delight in seeing local talent shine throughout the film’s production. He sees this milestone as an important step towards a future where the region can fully exploit its creative potential without relying on artists from Mumbai or elsewhere.

Dhar shared his optimistic outlook saying, “This film marks a turning point for Kashmiri cinema, and I hope it paves the way for a thriving local industry right here in our own backyard.”

Rainawari viewer Farooq Ahmad raved about the film, describing it as an outstanding cinematic experience that kept them hooked from start to finish.

He said: “It’s a truly extraordinary film. The performances were simply brilliant and kept us captivated throughout. ‘Welcome to Kashmir’ is a testament to the power of storytelling.”

As “Welcome to Kashmir” premieres to resounding applause and resonates in the hearts and minds of local audiences, it marks a momentous occasion in the history of Kashmiri cinema.

With its authentic portrayal of the region’s challenges and the remarkable talent behind its creation, this groundbreaking film is a beacon of hope for the future, illuminating the way towards a thriving local film industry that celebrates the spirit and resilience of Kashmir. , according to the report. .




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