Miami Swim Week The Shows has named Hollywood style guru Derek Warburton as host and ambassador

Miami Swim Week The Shows 2023 in July will be packed with over 100 designers with 50 events in 10 satellite locations and more curated by veteran Hollywood Style Guru, Derek Warburton.
With 30 years in the fashion business and 15 years in television and media, Warburton will be on stage at the world’s largest swimwear and resortwear festival. Highlighting brands such as Liberty & Justice, Banana Moon, Cupshe, 209 mare, Tiare Hawaii, Ema Savahl, Jared Lang, Paola Estefania to name a few.

The shows will also feature brands in collectives such as LGBTQ, Emerging, Sustainable, Best of Brazil and more. Treats Magazine has teamed up exclusively with Miami Swim Week as Premier Media Partner and will relaunch a new concept with an extraordinary star-studded fashion event. With a focus on sustainability, sponsors such as domestic luxury water brand Kopu and clean, premium hair care brand MASAMI have chosen Miami Swim Week as their ideal platform. This year also brings the 1st Global Upcycle Design Competition where the winners – design students – will showcase their collections on the Miami Swim Week catwalk. The Little Lighthouse Foundation (LLF) is the beneficiary charity for the second consecutive year. The main event, the parades, takes place at the SLS South Beach Hotel and launches the Splash Lounge, a VIP experience for the industry. Pop-up experiences will be scattered across several places including West South BeachTHE national hotel, Nautilus by Arlo, Exposure fields, ELV (Emanuel Luxury Venue) Miami Beach, Hyde Beach, medium cold, red steakhouse, Seaspice, Miami Beach Strings, The terrace of the gardens of the island and more. The Hammock show will be held at ELV Miami Beach just steps from the Miami Beach Convention Center. Casa Hammock – the South Beach retail showroom/incubator – will provide a physical space where designers and buyers meet. Miami Swim Week will also expand its reach with the inclusion of NFTs and special Miami Swim Week digital collectibles.

Miami Swim Week – The Shows will showcase the best in swimwear fashion, emphasizing inclusivity and sustainability. “We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and promoting ethical and responsible fashion. This season, we are opening our platform to several emerging designers to share the Miami Swim Week stage,” said Moh Ducis, Founder and CEO of Miami Swim Week The Shows.
Warburton is delighted to join the team, he says, I am honored to host and be the Ambassador of Summer 2023 Miami Swim Week – The Shows . I have focused my career on supporting independent designers and MSWS curates the most promising and exciting luxury resort brands out there! It will be an exhilarating season to celebrate talent on the Miami runways.
Warburton has spent his career showcasing emerging and independent designers. He was a style ambassador for fashion weeks in New York, New Zealand, Milan, Feeric Fashion Week in Transylvania, Romania and Madrid Fashion Week in Spain where he also hosted the digital series All Access Madrid for 2 seasons. We are pleased to welcome Derek Warburton to the Swim Week family as Official Host and Style Ambassador. His years of experience and international flair bring enthusiasm to the week and to our designers, says CEO Moh Ducis.
For the second year in a row, Miami Swim Week The Shows will kick off with a fundraising show to benefit The Little Lighthouse Foundation (LLF). 100% of all proceeds will benefit LLF’s mission. LLF is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps underserved children and their families in South Florida. LLF has over 20 exclusive programs with 33 partner facilities, including but not limited to homeless shelters, hospitals, and youth centers.
As usual, the week will feature plenty of pop-up experiences ranging from influencer parties, lunches, dinners, VIP receptions and industry events to wellness and fitness activations. Showfields on Lincoln Road is set to host open house receptions while showcasing select participating designers. Some of the benefits for industry will include the VIP Splash Lounge. This SLS Hotel hub will serve as an oasis where VIP influencers, media, buyers and designers can connect in a stylish setting away from the hustle and bustle. Selected designers will present their stories to the media. Derek Warburton will host expert panels that will discuss the latest trends and spot exceptional talent. It will be a sanctuary providing a platform for individuals in the industry to mingle, exchange impressions and share highlights with the world.

Another key part of Miami Swim Week The Shows is the hammock show – an eco-friendly trade show to connect niche brands with fashion buyers and retailers around the world. This year it will be held at ELV Miami Beach and just steps from the ocean and the SLS Hotel. Casa Hammock Showroom -the wholesale swimwear and resortwear showroom incubator located at Strings Miami Beach – is a unique concept designed to help emerging designers and small businesses overcome the challenges of entering the market. As a prominent figure in the fashion industry, we understand the challenges entrepreneurs face, and our showroom incubator provides them with a physical space to showcase their latest collections and connect with potential buyers. To further expand our services, we also offer a digital showroom called “Hammock Passport”, with an exclusive partnership with Joor.com, added Moh Ducis, Founder and CEO of Miami Swim Week The Shows. The Hammock Passport platform provides designers with additional opportunities to showcase their products and connect with potential buyers in the digital realm.
With more shows, parties and industry events in store, Miami Swim Week 2023 is set to be the most exciting yet.
Miami Swim Week The Shows is owned, operated and branded property of DCSW Group. With over a decade of fashion show production experience, the company has established itself as the fastest growing luxury fashion show production ecosystem specializing in innovative fashion concepts, technological production and execution.
For more information, visit the Miami Swim Week The Shows website here and follow the brand on Instagram –miamiswimweekshows.
For timetable and tickets – Here
Presented by: Ascend Agency
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