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Actor Kenneth Okolie talks about new movie that tackles cultural and LGBTQ+ issues – 250 – Gay Lesbian Bi Trans News

Actor Kenneth Okolie talks about new movie that tackles cultural and LGBTQ+ issues – 250 – Gay Lesbian Bi Trans News
Actor Kenneth Okolie talks about new movie that tackles cultural and LGBTQ+ issues – 250 – Gay Lesbian Bi Trans News


Anti-LGBTQ+ laws and cultural clashes are among the themes explored in Breaking Bounds, a film now available on demand via Vision Films that stars Kenneth Okolie, Dawn Halfkenny, Erica Hubbard and Corey Hendrix (the latter known for his role in the hit series The Bear).

In Breaking Bounds, Okolie – a Nigerian actor, LGBTQ+ ally and former Mr. Nigeria – portrays a Nigerian-born lawyer struggling to define his own cultural identity and live the life he wants with his American girlfriend. A client (played by Hendrix) is a young gay man who faces deportation and anti-gay persecution if returned to his native Uganda.

Okolie (who currently lives in Chicago and hopes to become a US citizen next year) spoke about the film, anti-LGBTQ+ laws and politics.

Note: This conversation has been edited for clarity and length.

Windy City Times: I almost called you “Mr. Nigeria”, and you know that will follow you for the rest of your life. [Okolie laughs.] So how did you get into acting?

Kenneth Okolie: I fell into acting when I was in the Mr. World competition, which was after Mr. Nigeria. Each contestant had to perform a talent – ​​and I did a free, unscripted monologue, and got a standing ovation. I’ve watched it [back] a few times and I said, “Let’s give [acting] A try. People asked me if I was an actor and I said, “No, I just model. So I met a few people and the rest is history.

WCT: An unscripted monologue? So you were the Meryl Streep of Mr. World.

EAST: [Laughs] Well, I was ready to earn it. And I came in third at the end of the day, so that’s saying something.

WCT: Yeah, but nobody heard about what happened with the first two, so here goes. [Both laugh.]

KO: Alright, alright…

WCT: You’ve done a lot of movies, comedies and dramas. What are the most difficult?

KO: Dramas. I’ve done action movies, romances (which come easily) and comedies, but dramas because getting into that character is quite difficult. THE [process] can be quite intense and even stressful at times, but it’s always interesting. With the personality the director wants me to play, sometimes things can get out of the script. It’s a job in itself, but I love it.

WCT: I know Nigeria is not the most progressive when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights. Did you have any reluctance to take on this role, even though it’s a non-LGBTQ+ role, because of what’s going on there?

KO: I had no reluctance or doubt. You are who you are. I have friends who are [LGBTQ+] and I support them and those who have the courage to come out. There’s a friend who hasn’t come out but I know that and when he’s ready he will.

WCT: For our readers, could you tell us about the plot of Breaking Bounds?

KO: Breaking Bounds is about a young black Ugandan immigrant who unfortunately finds himself in a [situation] which involves a gun. He is therefore arrested and faces deportation. His family hires a Nigerian-American lawyer to deal with issues with his girlfriend, who is a black American woman. Eventually he discovers that [his client] is expelled because he is gay.

WCT: And to what extent does this film reflect your own life?

EAST: [Smiles] Well… I was pretty open to dating anyone, except I’m married now. My parents are beautiful [open] but other people have parents who would say, “Never, never.”

WCT: I saw an interview in which you said you could see yourself being a politician later [in Nigeria].

KO: Yes, actually. So it’s ongoing now. We work with a rather progressive community in Nigeria.

WCT: What attracts you to politics?

KO: I see it as an opportunity to help people. For me, it’s important to use your influence to help people and bring about change, if you can.

WCT: Is there anything you wanted to add?

KO: Breaking Bounds isn’t just one thing. The film deals with the issues in a dramatic but very understandable way. It’s quite interesting.




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