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'She Said' actress Samantha Morton to receive BAFTA grant

'She Said' actress Samantha Morton to receive BAFTA grant
'She Said' actress Samantha Morton to receive BAFTA grant


Renowned British actress, screenwriter and director Samantha Morton will receive a scholarship at the upcoming EE BAFTA Film Awards.

This award is the highest recognition given by BAFTA to an individual for their outstanding contribution to the film, games or television industry.

After winning acclaim in theater and television, Morton's breakout film role was Carine Adler's “Under the Skin” (1997), which earned her a BIFA nomination and the Boston Film Critics Award for Best Actress. She was nominated twice for the Academy Awards: for Best Supporting Actress for Woody Allen's “Sweet and Lowdown” (1999) and for Best Actress for Jim Sheridan's “In America” ​​(2003).

For her portrayal of child murderer Myra Hindley in “Longford” (2006), Morton was nominated for Best Actress for a Primetime Emmy Award and a BAFTA Television Award, and won a Golden Globe. In 2009, she made her directorial debut with the television film “The Unloved”, a semi-autobiographical film based on the British child welfare system, which won the BAFTA Television Award for Best Individual Drama.

Other notable films include Lynne Ramsay's “Morvern Callar” (2002), for which she won Best Performance, Toronto Film Critics Award and BIFA for Best Actress; “Minority Report” by Steven Spielberg (2002); “Code 46” by Michael Winterbottom (2003); “The Golden Age” by Shekhar Kapur (2007); “Mister Lonely” by Harmony Korine (2007); Anton Corbijn’s “Control” (2007), which earned him a BAFTA Film Award nomination for Supporting Actress; “Synecdoche, New York” by Charlie Kaufman (2008), “Cosmopolis” by David Cronenberg (2012), “John Carter” by Andrew Stanton (2012), “Her” by Spike Jonze (2013), “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by David Yates (2016), “The Whale” by Darren Aronofsky (2022) and “She Said” by Maria Schrader (2022).

The scholarship will be presented as part of a commemoration of Morton's work at the EE BAFTA Film Awards 2024 ceremony on February 18 at the Southbank Center Royal Festival Hall in London.

Morton said: “As a proud member of BAFTA, I am honoured, deeply humbled and grateful to BAFTA for conferring this award on me. »

Anna Higgs, Chair of the BAFTA Film Committee, added: “Samantha Morton is a fascinating storyteller with incredible range. She has had an extraordinary impact on the British film industry – consistently shining a light on complex characters and championing underrepresented stories. On and off screen, she is always striving to break societal barriers and change the makeup of the film industries for the better – often against all odds. Samantha is hugely respected by her peers in Britain and Hollywood for her versatility, talent and passion for acting, and we are delighted to honor her exceptional work at the EE BAFTA Film Awards next week.

Past recipients of the scholarship include Charlie Chaplin, Alfred Hitchcock, Steven Spielberg, Sean Connery, Elizabeth Taylor, Stanley Kubrick, Anthony Hopkins, Laurence Olivier, Judi Dench, Vanessa Redgrave, Christopher Lee, Martin Scorsese, Alan Parker, Helen Mirren, Mike Leigh, Sydney. Poitier, Mel Brooks, Sir Ridley Scott, Thelma Schoonmaker, Kathleen Kennedy, Ang Lee, Sandy Powell and Meera Syal.




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