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The Most Famous Voice in Video Games Is an Actor You'll Never Guess

The Most Famous Voice in Video Games Is an Actor You'll Never Guess
The Most Famous Voice in Video Games Is an Actor You'll Never Guess



  • Many voice actors have given iconic video game performances, but one of the medium's most famous voices isn't necessarily a character.
  • Richard Wells voices the PEGI sound clips, which have been heard around the world for countless games.
  • Although he does not have an iconic character role, Wells is recognized for his distinctive voice in the video game industry.

The world of video games, from console to PC, is populated by an extraordinary number of talented voice actors, but one of the most heard voices in gaming isn't necessarily one of the first that would come to mind. Industry titans like Nolan North, Troy Baker, and Jennifer Hale tend to gain real recognition through their iconic roles, and in the age of motion capture, it's also not uncommon for personalities Hollywood majors make appearances in video games. Great performances can take any form, from nuanced emotional roles to the whimsical joy that Charles Martinet brought to Mario.

While it tends to be easier to conjure up the image of a character's face when thinking of great performances, some of the best video game voice acting roles aren't attached to the characters in one way. also specific. The multiplayer announcer Halo the games don't have physical form or an interesting story, for example, but as Jeff Steitzer says “Killtacular” is far from forgettable. Halo but it's still just a series, and truly thinking big requires broadening the perspective to encompass the entire industry.


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Richard Wells voiced PEGI sound clips

A guide to PEGI age labels and content descriptors for video game ratings.

A voice that has appeared in association with all kinds of games belongs to Richard Wells, which is the origin of the PEGI rating used in Europe to determine for what age a game's content is suitable. In a Tic Tac video, Wells provides some sound clips of him saying “PEGI 18,” which he guesses to be “one of the most listened to recordings in history“The recording certainly has to be up to par, and as more and more games are released each year, its widespread visibility only grows.

Why everyone has heard Richard Wells

PEGI Cover Pokémon Red and Blue

You don't need any real experience with European copies of games to recognize Wells' voice, as the PEGI sound clip is included in many trailers and promotional materials viewed by people around the world. Although PEGI 18 is the line of choice in his TikTok video, it is also responsible for PEGI 3, 7, 12 and 16 clips, so it is just as likely to appear in conjunction with a Pokémon game like Grand Theft Auto. These are just a few choice recordings of the work he did over four decades of voice acting, but they left a mark.

It didn't take long for Wells' video to rack up millions of views on TikTok, so it's clear that her voice is truly exceptionally recognizable. Seeing a voice actor take credit for something that goes largely ignored is cathartic, especially when it's a line delivered with such perfect gravitas and effectiveness. Richard Wells may not be given a role like Nathan Drake or Master Chief, but he certainly earned the right to go down in history as a unique titan within the universe. video game industry.

Source: richardwells48/TikTok




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