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Local comedy club will attempt to break world record for longest show

Local comedy club will attempt to break world record for longest show
Local comedy club will attempt to break world record for longest show


Brickys owner Kevin Ruppert has been working non-stop over the past few weeks to put on the Brickys World Record Comedy Festival. Although taking on such a rigorous task can be daunting, Ruppert said breaking the record will be worth all the work.

It would just be a community accomplishment for Dayton Comedy, the city of Miamisburg and Star City Brewing, he said. This will be a demonstration of what we can achieve as a group. It will be very rewarding.

The current record stands at 80 hours and 5 minutes and is held by The Nashville band broke the previous record in 2015 and attendees at that show included Ralphie May and Hannibal Burress. Ruppert said the Nashville group was incredibly helpful throughout the process.

The Nashville group said that while it will be difficult, it will be even more difficult, Ruppert said. The large number of actors was logistically daunting.

Ruppert said comedians from Nashville will perform on opening night as well as comics from across the Midwest. The lineup includes comics from as far away as California, and the Dayton comedy scene is heavily represented. Hours are divided into ranges from 15 minutes to 60 minutes.

The weird thing is that the overnight spots weren't as hard to fill as they were early in the morning. Early morning was the hardest. However, we only have four or five spots left to fill, Ruppert said.

The logistics and rules of being considered for the world record by Guinness are also a factor that comes into play. All sets must be at least 15 minutes long and comics can only be played once every four hours. No musicals or magic are permitted. There must also be at least 10 spectators at any time for it to count. Ruppert said he believes he has come up with a plan to solve the audience problem.

We ask actors to be present for four-hour blocks so they can also be part of the audience. We will also need 24 hour volunteers and promotion. We will need the community's help to break the record, he said.

While Ruppert is asking for community support, he said he's willing to stay awake for four days straight if that's what it takes. He currently has a few sponsors, but any companies willing to help him with sponsorships or donations of any kind would be helpful. Coffee and energy drinks will definitely be needed.

After the event, if everything goes as planned, Ruppert will submit the evidence to Guinness and then wait to see if they accept it. Bringing a Guinness arbitrator is expensive, so the file will be established retroactively.

Ruppert said he is honored by all the comedians who travel for the event and help as entertainers, timekeepers, audience members and promoters. Although no famous comedians were featured in the lineup, Ruppert wanted to shout out a certain comedian from Yellow Springs.

I just wanted to invite the GOAT to come and take us across the finish line if he wants. Without him, this little thing we're building probably wouldn't exist, so it would be an honor if he wants to come in and close out the record attempt, he said.

It is of course Dave Chapelle.

How to get there

What: Attempt to create the longest comedy in the world

Or: Brickys Comedy Club inside Star City Brewing, 319 S. Second St., Miamisburg

When: Starts at 3 p.m. Wednesday

Cost: Two-hour pass for $15 or festival pass for $40

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