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Iconic On-Screen Hugs in Bollywood Movies

Iconic On-Screen Hugs in Bollywood Movies
Iconic On-Screen Hugs in Bollywood Movies


CHENNAI: Valentine's Day celebrations continue with great pomp and fervor. This is the perfect time to express your love through different gestures and one of them is hugging.

Hugging is a sign of affection and love, and on this day, partners show their passion for each other by hugging. Hug Day is celebrated on February 12.

This tender, enchanted gesture has often been used in Indian films and has the ability to evoke the purest love. So, on this cuddle day, let's take a look at Bollywood's most iconic on-screen hugs.

Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol in Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge

Raj (SRK) and Simrans (Kajol) kiss in Dilwale Dulhania The Jayenge surely depicts the true feeling of love and warmth. When the duo came together in the mustard fields of Punjab, the hugging scene between them stole many hearts. The music of a mandolin, combined with SRK's intense eyes and widely spread arms, formed the perfect cinematic moment.

Shah Rukh Khan and Preity Zinta in “Veer-Zaara”

The love story of Veer (Shah Rukh Khan) and Zaaras (Preity Zinta) is among the most popular in Bollywood. The king of romance flies to Pakistan just to meet his sweetheart, Zara. Zara's hug means everything to Veer as it demonstrates how much she loves him. This image still governs the emotions of many people today and illustrates why hugs are such a powerful symbol of love and compassion.

Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone in Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani

There are hugs, which are full of feelings hidden deep in our hearts. When Naina (Deepika Padukone) finally decided to reveal her affections, Bunny (Ranbir Kapoor) returned the favor. However, she understood how important his dreams were to him and she realized that she had to let him go to achieve them. As a result, their embrace demonstrated that if you love someone, you have to let them go.

Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan in Jab We Met

The on-screen chemistry between Geet (Kareena Kapoor Khan) and Aditya (Shahid Kapoor) is always loved by movie buffs. Aditya does everything for Geet so that she can meet her lover. However, when she realizes that there is only one man who has always been by her side, she hugs him tightly without even asking. The hug, which signified love and pure love, was the perfect finale to the film.

Ranbir Kapoor and Nargis Fakhri in Rockstar

Heer (Nargis Fakhri) asks Jordan (Ranbir Kapoor), her true love, to hug her once again. He gives her a tight, lingering hug. You can almost feel the feelings the couple is feeling. We may never understand how Imtiaz Ali seamlessly weaves every emotion into every scene in his films.




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