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Shona Ferguson Remembers: Loved ones commemorate actor's life with headstone unveiling ceremony

Shona Ferguson Remembers: Loved ones commemorate actor's life with headstone unveiling ceremony
Shona Ferguson Remembers: Loved ones commemorate actor's life with headstone unveiling ceremony


Actor and producer Shona Ferguson has died following complications from Covid-19. He was 47 years old.

  • The gravestone of actor and producer Shona Ferguson has been unveiled.
  • His family and close associates attended the ceremony, dressed in white.
  • Shona died of complications related to Covid-19 at Netcare Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg on July 30, 2021.

Family, friends and colleagues of the late actor and co-founder of Ferguson Films, Shona Ferguson, all donned white to celebrate her life at her headstone unveiling, which took place recently.

Ferguson died of complications from Covid-19 at Netcare Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg at the age of

Attendees of the intimate ceremony shared clips and photos on their social media pages.

In the clips, followers on their social media accounts could view the ceremony from the chapel, where Shona's memorabilia and photos of him and his wife were on display. The candlelit chapel ceremony was attended by those who worked with Ferguson in his many television productions.

Gospel singer Teboho Moloi sang and he asked actor Connie Ferguson to sing a Setswana hymn with him at her late husband's ceremony.

See the photos below:

Bongani Sax also performed that day.

At the grave, Connie was with her children Lesedi, Ali and her sister Lorato Atosie Pilane, all of whom released white doves after the tombstone was unveiled.

The stone bore an engraving of the Ferguson clan motto, “Dulcius Ex Asperis” (Gentle After Hardship), a statue of the late actor, biblical scripture and an engraving of him dressed in white with angel wings and a aureole.

Last year, on the second anniversary of the producer and actor's death, Connie remembered her husband and said she couldn't believe two years had passed since his “transition” .

“Time has become so strange to understand,” she wrote.

“You are still so alive in my heart, in my mind and in the memories we shared.”

“I still feel your presence so much, but the thought of never seeing you again in your physical form overwhelms me from time to time. But the Lord has wrapped me and our beautiful family in His arms, and we carry on to move forward, to hope, to dream,” she continued in the caption of a series of photos and videos of the two of them.

In an interview with Kaya 959 in 2022, Ferguson opened up about Shona's death a day before they celebrated 20 years of knowing each other.

“I held [out] to 31 to complete those 20. I kept telling him one more day, you and I are 20, but it didn't really happen that way,” she said.




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