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West Hollywood Public Safety Commission Receives January Crime Report

West Hollywood Public Safety Commission Receives January Crime Report
West Hollywood Public Safety Commission Receives January Crime Report


At a regular meeting of the West Hollywood Public Safety Commission on Monday, February 12, 2024, representatives from the West Hollywood Sheriff's Station provided a crime report for the month of January.

According to the report, during the month of January, West Hollywood station personnel responded to a total of 1,594 calls for service, of which 75 were emergency responses. Deputies made 43 felony arrests and 65 misdemeanor arrests during that time. Part 1 crimes, which include incidents such as theft, accounted for 204 incidents in January. Of these, 58% occurred in the West District, 16% in the city center and 26% in the East District. Theft incidents, including grand theft, petty theft, vehicle burglary and pickpocketing, were the most prevalent Part 1 crimes, with 55 pickpocketing incidents reported in January.

Sergeant Jason Duron said the sheriff's department has set up an online reporting system for certain types of crimes to make it easier for those who can't get to the station or have deputies respond to their location . He said this new system has led to an increase in reported incidents as people find it more convenient to file reports online.

Sergeant Duron discussed the Feb. 2 Bank of America incident, in which officers responded to a disturbance in the 900 block of Santa Monica Boulevard. An individual threw chairs and objects inside a local business before entering the nearby bank. After negotiations, the individual obeyed orders and was taken into custody without incident, accused of vandalism.

Sergeant Matt Davis of the Traffic Investigations Division responded to questions regarding scooter incidents that occurred on December 29, 2023, in which a woman was struck by a scooter rider in West Hollywood. According to a GoFundMe campaign, the victim was seriously injured and is still recovering.

Sergeant Davis called the case difficult, saying the sheriffs were engaged after the incident and he was not able to give much information because they had not yet identified the driver of the scooter which had struck the victim.

Additionally, the victim is not yet willing to speak to authorities. She did not respond to their calls to make a statement. He added that the incident has not yet been classified as a hit-and-run, since the scooter driver stayed and spoke to first responders. He said the scooter driver could be charged with an offense for riding on the sidewalk and it was not yet clear whether the driver had a valid license. He reiterated that no hit-and-run charges have been filed at this time.


if you see something, say something. Anonymous tips can be called into Crimestoppers at (800) 222-TIPS (8477) or by texting 274637 (CRIMES on most keypads) with a cell phone. If you see something, say it. Anyone with information can also leave a tip at

Your identity is always encrypted and anonymous. No personal information, phone number, email, IP address or location is ever requested, stored, tracked, tracked or monitored. Period.

The goal of Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers is to prevent and reduce crime, by forming a partnership between the community, law enforcement and the media to provide anonymity and cash rewards to anyone who provides information leading to an arrest.

Crime Stoppers encourages community members to assist local law enforcement in the fight against crime by overcoming the two key elements that hinder community participation: fear and apathy.

The West Hollywood Sheriff's Station polices the City of West Hollywood and the unincorporated communities of Franklin Canyon, Universal City (which includes the Universal Theme Park, Studios and Citywalk), and the federal enclave of West Hollywood. Los Angeles.




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