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Usher kept wedding plans from Super Bowl co-stars secret | Entertainment

Usher kept wedding plans from Super Bowl co-stars secret |  Entertainment
Usher kept wedding plans from Super Bowl co-stars secret |  Entertainment


Usher kept his wedding plans a secret from his Super Bowl halftime show cast.

The 45-year-old pop star tied the knot with longtime girlfriend Jennifer Goicoechea on Super Bowl Sunday (2/11/24) while they were in Las Vegas for his performance at the big game and Lil Jon – who shared the scene with him – admitted that the singer had kept his plans completely secret.

Lil Jon said “He didn't tell us anything. But I saw him [the wedding news] in the press, of course. But no, I was going to give him a break and I was going to call him and just congratulate him, like he worked hard for it.”

Black Eyed Peas star William – who also performed with Usher during the match – also had no idea about the wedding. He told the outlet, “Oh man, I didn't even know that! Congratulations, bro. I never knew that. That's awesome, I'm really proud of him.”

A spokesperson for Usher confirmed the wedding took place Sunday evening, telling PEOPLE: “We can confirm that Usher and Jennifer Goicoechea took the next step in their relationship and were married Sunday evening in Las Vegas surrounded by of close friends and family.

“They both look forward to continuing to raise their children together, surrounded by love and thank everyone for their well wishes.

The ceremony took place in an outdoor chapel called Vegas Weddings' Terrace Gazebo which can accommodate 30 guests and Usher's mother, Jonetta Patton, served as the couple's best man.

After the Super Bowl, the couple was photographed wearing matching all-white outfits and Usher wore a gold ring on his wedding finger.

Usher has been dating music director Jennifer since October 2018 and they are parents to a daughter Sovereign, born in 2020, and a son, who arrived in 2021.

He was previously married to Tameka Foster – the mother of his sons Usher “Cinco” Raymond V, 16, and Navid Ely, 15 – from 2007 to 2009.

Ahead of his Super Bowl performance, Usher opened up about his relationship, telling PEOPLE: “Listen, when you find someone that you know is a great partner, of course, it's an honor and a pleasure to be able to share the life with someone who wants to share it with you and loves you, who you are.

“We obviously committed to living together because of our children. It wouldn't be strange if we got married. We've already done that here. See what I'm saying?

“And we're going to be in each other's lives until we die, obviously, because we have something to share. It's beautiful. Our children. But not because of that. I really feel like I have an incredible partner that I respect.”.




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