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Police officer accused of accessing police files of 'foreign actor'

Police officer accused of accessing police files of 'foreign actor'
Police officer accused of accessing police files of 'foreign actor'


Lauren Krugel, The Canadian Press

Posted Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 1:47 p.m. EST

Last updated Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 2:41 p.m. EST

CALGARY – A front-line Alberta RCMP officer has been charged with accessing police records systems to assist a foreign actor, RCMP announced Tuesday.

The agent was arrested Saturday and the alleged breach involved records that were not top secret, the RCMP's Federal Policing Integrated National Security Team said in a news release.

After becoming aware of the security breach, the RCMP implemented measures to monitor, mitigate and manage any further unauthorized disclosures and ensure public safety was maintained throughout the investigation. the police said.

The statement did not provide details on the suspect's duties, the type of information obtained or the name of the foreign actor.

The RCMP is committed to combatting interference by foreign actors at all levels and is actively using all tools at its disposal. Foreign interference takes many forms and it is essential that all organizations are aware of the potential harm at all levels, police said in a statement.

The RCMP will pursue any form of interference, whether internal or external, and this is a good example of the efforts being made.

Const. Eli Ndatuje was charged under the Criminal Code with breach of trust, unauthorized use of a computer and breach of trust regarding protected information.

A first appearance is scheduled in Calgary provincial court on March 11.

There have been other high-profile cases involving information breaches recently.

A former RCMP intelligence official was sentenced last week to 14 years in prison for violating Canada's Secrets Act.

In November, a jury found Cameron Jay Ortis guilty of three counts of violating the Information Security Act and one count of attempting to violate the law. The jury also found Ortis guilty of breach of trust and fraudulent use of a computer system.

Ortis led an RCMP group that gathered classified information on cybercriminals, terrorist cells and transnational criminal networks.

He pleaded not guilty in court to all charges, including breaching the Secrets Act by revealing classified information to three people of police interest in 2015 and attempting to do so in a fourth instance.

In January, a 911 operator in Calgary was charged with intentionally extracting search data about people involved in organized crime and then providing that information to others involved in that activity.

Mariana Buonincontri, 58, was charged with breach of trust, fraudulent use of a computer system and mischief relating to computer data. She is due to appear in court next month.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published February 13, 2024.




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