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Disney+ Hotstar's 'Showtime' Sets March Launch Date; Watch the trailer

Disney+ Hotstar's 'Showtime' Sets March Launch Date;  Watch the trailer
Disney+ Hotstar's 'Showtime' Sets March Launch Date;  Watch the trailer


EXCLUSIVE: Show time is the series that will reveal all of Bollywood's best-kept secrets, as we told you in December.

We now have the first official trailer for the Disney+ Hotstar Hindi-language drama series and a launch date: March 8. Watch the trailer above.

The trailer shows everything we can expect: studios, stars and power brokers. Journalist Slams 'Nepotism' Among Bollywood Set, While Angry Emraan Hashmi Privately Says: 'I Know All This Was Entrusted To Me, But I Worked Day And Night To Bring This Studio where he is! » He is the boss of Viktory Studios and he is not happy with his lot, in every sense of the word.

Hashmi and Mahima Makwana star alongside Mouni Roy, Rajeev Khandelwal, Shriya Saran, Vishal Vashishtha, Neeraj Madhav, Vijay Raaz and Naseeruddin Shah.

The series produced by Dharmatic Entertainment comes from Sumit Roy, with Mihir Desai the showrunner and director. Archie Kumar is also directing and Roy, Mithun Gangopadhyay and Lara Chandni have written the screenplay. Jehan Handa and Karan Shrikant Sharma wrote the dialogue.

Show time is a show that showcases so many different nuances of the industry,” said Karan Johar, Founder and Managing Director, Dharmatic Entertainment. “While there is showbiz, glitz, glamor and drama, it also touches on the unspoken emotional rollercoaster that people experience behind the sets. The show is an attempt to bring the audience closer to the lives of people in the industry and show what goes behind the making of a show/movie. It's got a little bit of everything and there's no better place than Disney+ Hotstar to tell such a story.

Creator Roy added that every character will be recognizable, but Disney+ Hotstar and Dharmatic are keeping some storylines under wraps for now, so we'll have to wait to see if any obvious Bollywood tales have been adapted.

“We've been in the industry for years and we wanted to tell a story like Show time who spills the tea on what goes on behind the scenes in Bollywood — [and] gives you the masala behind our masala films,” added Roy. “The series is an insider's account of the glitz, glamour, ego battles and power struggles in the world of showbiz. We wanted the sets to reflect the grandeur of Bollywood and give the audience a larger-than-life experience.

Gaurav Banerjee, Head of Content, Disney+ Hotstar & HSM Entertainment Network, Disney Star, said, “The cast has come together beautifully to bring to life what we can confidently say is here to entertain Bollywood fans with unrestrained drama behind the curtains. it's explosive and entertaining.




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