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'Fauda' Actor Idan Amedi Shares First Photo of Injuries He Suffered During Gaza Operation

'Fauda' Actor Idan Amedi Shares First Photo of Injuries He Suffered During Gaza Operation
'Fauda' Actor Idan Amedi Shares First Photo of Injuries He Suffered During Gaza Operation


The impact of the explosion caused burns and shrapnel hit the eye sockets.

Israel's large-scale military operation in Gaza has moved south and defense forces are preparing to shell Rafah, the only border crossing with Egypt and transit point for humanitarian aid.

Idan Amedi, who starred in the action series “Fauda”, was seriously injured in Gaza during the military operation. The actor posted the first photo of the injuries he suffered during the battle.

Mr. Amedi was serving in the combat engineer reserve unit in Gaza, and in January an explosion left him unconscious for several days after shrapnel hit his eye sockets, jaw and neck.

Photo has graphic content, viewer discretion is advised

The impact of the explosion caused burns and shrapnel hit the eye sockets, leading to excessive swelling and severe combat wounds to the face. The actor called it a “miracle” that he survived and said: “That's what miracles are, you have to accept them and above all not forget that they happened. Consecrate the gift that you have received, with all the angles and fragments, and remember especially when the road is difficult. There are other beautiful things to see.

The actor said in his Hebrew Instagram post: “One of the doctors at the hospital calls me '360.' He says people tend to think that if you did a 360 degree turn, you You're back where you started, but with combat casualties, the story is a little different. This journey through the sharp, flat and boring corners of life, of war, changes you, shapes you and through it you are reborn. “

“Happy birthday, sad second in two months. Thank you God for all the gifts. And thanks to all the well-wishers, one day I will be able to thank you all, And here's to life's adventures along the way,” the actor wrote.

Amedi is best known for playing Agent Sagi Tzur in “Fauda,” a Netflix drama about an elite undercover team trying to track down a notorious Palestinian terrorist. Amedi joined the cast in 2017.

'No end in sight'

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in no mood to order a unilateral ceasefire and stop operations in Gaza. Troops are advancing south to take control of Rafah, which they call Hamas' last bastion. More than a million Palestinians live in shelters and relief camps in Rafah.

Netanyahu has rejected calls to spare Rafah, arguing that not launching the operation would mean “losing the war”, while the army says it is working to move civilians from the area to minimize casualties.

The airstrike in Gaza killed more than 28,000 people, the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry said, although Israel disputed those figures. The war began when Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, killing more than 1,100 people and taking more than 250 hostages, 130 of whom are believed to still be in Gaza.

The United States vetoed the ceasefire resolution at the United Nations Security Council and has supported Israel, its longtime ally, with military and humanitarian aid since the start of the war. The threat of an American veto remains present during the possible vote by the UN Security Council next week.




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