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Château Malartic-Lagravire returns to the Hollywood red carpet as the official wine sponsor of the 37th American Cinematheque Awards

Château Malartic-Lagravire returns to the Hollywood red carpet as the official wine sponsor of the 37th American Cinematheque Awards
Château Malartic-Lagravire returns to the Hollywood red carpet as the official wine sponsor of the 37th American Cinematheque Awards


Vronique Bonnie and Helen Mirren with the Malartic Magnum signed by actress Bryan Beasley

(February 16, 2024-Los Angeles, California) On February 15, the American Cinematheque honored Helen Mirren as the 37th recipient of the American Cinematheque Award. Kevin Goetz and Screen Engine received the Power of Cinema Award presented by Hill Valley at this prestigious event.

Since 2019, Château Malartic-Lagravire has been the proud wine sponsor of the event. This year again, big names in the entertainment industry had the opportunity to taste Château Malartic-Lagravires wines, including Château Malartic Rouge 2013 and Blanc 2019, during the cocktail dinner and gala dinner during the 'tribute.

Château Malartic-Lagravire is honored to have Helen Mirren sign a special engraved magnum of their 2016 red vintage to benefit her charity of choice, Meals on Wheels West. The magnum will be on display at the winery, along with signed magnums of previous American Cinematheque winners Ryan Reynolds in 2022, Scarlett Johansson in 2021 and Charlize Theron in 2019. Since 1986, the American Cinematheque Award has been presented annually to an extraordinary artist currently making a significant contribution to the art of cinema.

Malartic-Lagravire red magnum 2026 Helen Mirren Prize at the American Cinematheque gala dinner

Château Malartic-Lagravire is no stranger to the big screen. Last year they were the official sponsor of the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. The iconic wine family also participated in last year's Tribeca Festival and can be seen on screen in Emilie in Paris And Death on the Nile.

About Château Malartic-Lagravire

The Bonnie family's wine adventure began a little over two decades ago when the Belgian couple, Alfred and Michle Bonnie, were seduced by Château Malartic-Lagravire, Grand Cru Classe de Graves in Lognan, near Bordeaux . Since then, their children Vronique and Jean-Jacques have run Domaines Malartic with passion and determination, which was completed in 2005 with the addition of Château Gazin Rocquencourt (Pessac-Lognan, Bordeaux) and Bodega DiamAndes (Mendoza, Argentina).

For more than 25 years, Bonnie Family Estates have been producing exceptional wines, respecting the place and its ecosystem. In a sustainable approach, they seek the unique expression of each terroir, a perfect balance and a gourmet complexity, which make them the perfect allies of gastronomy. They appear on the menus of all the best restaurants in the world.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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