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Teen actor Luke David Blumm lives in Atlanta

Teen actor Luke David Blumm lives in Atlanta
Teen actor Luke David Blumm lives in Atlanta


Luke David Blumm, 14, is a freshman at Midtown High School. That is, when he's not traveling overseas to film movies and TV shows.

Blumm is currently showing at the Atlanta Jewish Film Festivals Avenue of the Giants, a film about a transgenerational odyssey of healing and discovery in which an extraordinary friendship blossoms between an aging soul and a troubled young girl. Blumm plays the younger version of Holocaust survivor Herbert Heller (Stephen Lang) in haunting historical flashbacks.

Avenue of the Giants was filmed in Prague. During filming, Blumm's mother, sister and uncle came to visit him for a few weeks. It turned into a family trip while he was working, he said.

I mainly travel with my dad, so I miss my mom and sister the most. I also miss my pets and friends. We try to come back on weekends, but sometimes you get a really nice vacation, Blumm said. I had the chance to visit some really cool places.

Blumm, who never took formal acting lessons, appeared in suspense and horror television series like The Walking Dead And The observerand the horror filmSon.

Working on a horror production is like Halloween every day, Blumm said.

I really like doing horror. I like horror and suspense because the style of play is naturalistic, like real life, but just a little more exaggerated because the stakes are so high and the situations so intense, Blumm said. But the atmosphere on horror sets is very childish and fun. Everyone loves playing with fake blood and trying to scare the audience. Even though the material can be dark, the mood on horror sets is usually very light and everyone has a good time.

Blumm said he has been very fortunate to work with some of the greatest living actors.

On the set of The observer For five months, Blumm played Carter Brannock, son of Nora (Naomi Watts) and Dean (Bobby Cannavale).

Bobby was telling me about actors he likes, and we talked a lot about acting. I learned a lot from him, Blumm said. Acting is one of those things where you get better at just by doing it. With every project you work on, you learn more.

Blumm said he stays in touch with other actors via text or Instagram, but it can be disappointing to work closely with big actors and then go your own way. He stays in touch with Virginia Madsen and Nicola Peltz Beckham through their new independent film, Lolaand Emile Hirsch of Son.

When Blumm is back in Atlanta, he enjoys visiting the BeltLine and dining at the city's vegan restaurants, like Planta. Just like a typical teenager, he loves Jenis ice cream.

We also like to go to drive-ins whenever possible. Atlanta is a really cool city and I'm glad we moved here, Blumm said.

Avenue of the Giants watchFebruary 20 at the Tara Theaterand onstreamingfrom February 27. Blumm will be at the February 20 screening to answer questions from the audience.

This story comes to GPB through a reporting partnership with Atlanta First Draft.




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