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X-Men Actor Sets New Record By Playing Most MCU Characters

X-Men Actor Sets New Record By Playing Most MCU Characters
X-Men Actor Sets New Record By Playing Most MCU Characters



  • X-Men '97 features returning voice actors and new actors, including a variety of iconic artists and new faces.
  • Ross Marquand voices Charles Xavier in the series, adding to his impressive track record of playing multiple MCU characters.
  • Playing multiple roles is a tradition in the MCU, with Ross Marquand holding the record for most roles in the MCU.

X-Men '97the highly anticipated sequel to X-Men: The Animated Series, sets a new Marvel record with the inclusion of a versatile voice actor. The Disney+ series arrives more than two decades after the end of five seasons of the Fox Kids TV series. Building on the tragic ending of the original X-Men TV show, X-Men '97 finds the mutant superteam facing new challenges following the apparent death of Charles Xavier. However, even though the X-Men are also set to join the MCU, X-Men '97 does not take place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The cast of X-Men '97 includes returning and new actors. Iconic performers like Cal Dodd (Wolverine) and Lenore Zann (Rogue) reprise their roles from the original cartoon, but a few characters will be played by more contemporary artists. For example, Matthew Waterson becomes the last actor to voice Magneto following the death of his predecessor, David Hemblen. THE X-Men '97 The trailer had plenty of exciting reveals to offer, but it's the casting details that point to an MCU veteran reaching a career high point. A former student of The Walking Deadhe now holds the record for the most characters in the MCU.


Marvel's X-Men reboot brings a major element to the MCU whose Avengers have been missing for 12 years

The X-Men are set to join the MCU in earnest with the X-Men '97 animated series, bringing with them a lesson in teamwork that eluded the Avengers.

Ross Marquand's X-Men '97 marks his fifth MCU role

Actor voices Charles Xavier in X-Men reboot

Even though Charles Xavier is presumed dead in X-Men '97 trailer, Ross Marquand is still seen as the voice of the telepathic school principal. Taking over from Cedric Smith from the original series, Marquand could voice Professor X in a flashback, or his character could be resurrected in some way. X-Men '97 is not Marquand's first rodeo in the MCU as he has played several characters in previous MCU films and shows. The Invincible actor's Marvel journey began when he played Red Skull as a stone guardian in Avengers: Infinity War And Avengers: Endgame (replacing Hugo Weaving).

Marquand also voiced an alternate version of Red Skull in the animated anthology series. Marvel what if…?. The series' many parallel realities also allowed him to face Infinity Ultron, the all-powerful version of Ultron wielding the Infinity Stone. With And ifof Red Skull and Infinity Ultron, Marquand was also the voice behind Sub-Ultron Sentries and Tony Stark's German-accented user interface WERNER. He also voiced Ultron Sentries in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. X-Men'97 adds to Marquand's five MCU productions even though he never directly showed his face in any of them.

Every Character Ross Marquand Plays in the MCU

Movie/TV show

Red skull

Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War/Avengers: Endgame/What If…?

Sentinels of Ultron

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Infinite Ultron

What if… from Marvel?


What if… from Marvel?

Sub-Ultron Sentinels

What if… from Marvel?


X-Men '97

Playing multiple characters is a long-standing MCU tradition

Joe Russo ranks second with three roles each


Ross Marquand is one of many actors with multiple roles in the MCU. An early example was Paul Bettany voicing JARVI S and later playing Vision. Even major live-action performances have featured the same actor, much like how Michelle Yeoh played the Ravager Aleta Ogord in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Ta Lo's guardian, Ying Nan, in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. Most of these actors limit their multiple appearances to two, Marquand still holds the record for most roles in the MCU, playing six characters in five titles.

Interesting way, director Joe Russo comes in second with three appearances. Unlike Stan Lee's wonder cameos, Russo played minor but integral characters like Captain America: The Winter SoldierIt's Dr. Fine, the doctor who takes care of Nick Fury, and Captain America: Civil WarIt is Théo Broussard, a psychiatrist killed and usurped the identity of Baron Zemo. He had an emotional turn as a member of a support group affected by the Blip in Avengers: Endgame. Like the new voice of Charles Xavier in X-Men '97Marquand is continuing his MCU voice acting streak, but it wouldn't be surprising to see him take on a full-fledged live-action role in the future.

Key release dates




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