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Taylor Swift's 'Curated' Hollywood Image Is the 'Model' for Travis Kelce's Tinseltown Dreams

Taylor Swift's 'Curated' Hollywood Image Is the 'Model' for Travis Kelce's Tinseltown Dreams
Taylor Swift's 'Curated' Hollywood Image Is the 'Model' for Travis Kelce's Tinseltown Dreams


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Taylor Swift and her NFL boyfriend Travis Kelce make quite the dynamic duo.

Swift is always at the center of conversations in the entertainment industry and experts say the Kansas City Chiefs tight end would be wise to “take notes.”

Kelce's football career is going strong, having won his third Super Bowl earlier this month, but he'll soon dip his toe into Swift's stratosphere. He earned a producer credit for the upcoming independent film, “My Dead Friend Zoe,” according to Variety.


Taylor Swift in a sparkly leotard with one arm raised and Travis Kelce on the carpet in a light mint suit

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are Hollywood's current couple. (Getty Images)

Now, with Swift on his team, industry experts believe Kelce's stardom will continue to grow.

Before the “Cruel Summer” singer came into his life, the football player had already shown up in Tinseltown. He had his own reality TV show, “Catching Kelce,” in 2016, hosted “Saturday Night Live” in 2023 and launched a successful podcast with his brother, Jason Kelce.

However, Swift's level of fame catapulted Kelce's popularity and gave him an even larger fan base.

“Taylor Swift is one of the biggest stars in the world and has billions of fans around the world thanks to her girl-next-door image which has been carefully curated and supported by the themes of her songs and music , who are incredibly close to today's children and young people.” entertainment lawyer Albert Soler, Scarinci partner Hollenbeck, based in New York, told Fox News Digital.

Travis Kelce holds his hands together in a beige suit as he takes the stage to host SNL

Travis Kelce hosted an episode of “Saturday Night Live” in March 2023. (Will Heath/NBC via Getty Images)

“The topics of relationships, insecurities, breakups and these topics are what fans love about her among other things”

Soler adds that Kelce has taken care of his image in the same way and is considered the “guy next door.”

Taylor Swift plays guitar on stage during her Eras tour in a bright yellow dress

Taylor Swift is currently on the international leg of her Eras tour. (Graham Denholm/TAS24/Getty Images for TAS rights management)

“For example, his podcast with his brother is an entertaining and relevant podcast where the two discuss everyday topics and, like Taylor Swift, they don't shy away from speaking candidly,” he noted.

“Once again, fans identify and appreciate the openness and relatability that Travis Kelce brings on a daily basis.”


Taylor Swift in a shimmering green dress at the Golden Globes looks down slightly at the camera.  Travis Kelce in a red Chiefs jersey looks up at the field

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are both stars in their own circles and complement each other as the girl and guy next door. (Getty Images)

Relationship expert and lawyer Sara Kaki tells Fox News Digital that while the 34-year-old was “well known in soccer circles,” his romance with Swift takes things to another level.

“Travis may gain more endorsements, sponsorships or entertainment opportunities through his association with Taylor,” she said.

Khaki adds that Swift has “carefully managed her image and brand” since she first entered the music scene as a young country star. “Taylor Swift provides a great role model for Travis if he wants to expand his influence beyond football. Her savvy use of social media and willingness to be personally vulnerable with fans has allowed Taylor to completely own his narrative .Travis would be smart to take notes.”

Taylor Swift in a green printed top strolls with Travis Kelce in a beige jacket in New York

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce first went public with their relationship in September. (Gotham/GC Images/Getty images)


Having been a stud in the NFL for many years, Kelce is getting a crash course in what the big lights look like outside of football stadiums.

“Travis's status also skyrocketed because he gained so many fans among Taylor Swift's global legions of fans,” says Soler. “The pairing between the two will ultimately help Travis with his film because studios and entertainment professionals know that millions of people will watch his project thanks to Taylor Swift and this budding relationship.”

“At the end of the day, the industry is all about money and profit and the high-profile couple will attract huge viewers to any Travis Kelce project.”

Travis Kelce in a white printed shirt and brown pants leads Taylor Swift in black and a gray coat in New York

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce were surrounded by fans while out in New York. (Gotham/GC Images/Getty Images)

But Kelce needs to be careful, experts say. Being with Swift means he's under a microscope and his actions are more scrutinized.

On the sidelines of the Super Bowl, Kelce expressed his frustration and pushed his head coach, Andy Reid. Some Swift fans were worried about what this meant for Kelce's overall temperament.

Travis Kelce yells on the sidelines of the Super Bowl in coach Andy Reid's face

Travis Kelce was criticized for his sideline outburst with head coach Andy Reid during the Super Bowl. (Jamie Squire/Getty Images)


When he celebrated his team's victory in the Super Bowl parade in Kansas City a few days later, people criticized his behavior, saying he was too drunk.

And after the horrific shooting at that same parade, Swift was the first to donate to the affected families, not Kelce. He would eventually do it later.

Travis Kelce and teammates, including Patrick Mahomes, celebrate during the 2024 Super Bowl Parade

Travis Kelce, Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs celebrated during the Super Bowl parade in Kansas City, Missouri. (Jamie Squire/Getty Images)

“[Taylor] should help Travis understand that you get much more by being correct, polite and professional than by causing drama, making comments or being drunk,” David Nathan, co-founder and president of Happy Jack Entertainment, told Fox News Digital. “That doesn't mean he can't celebrate and be passionate about the game he loves, it's just that there are ways to do it without making a spectacle of yourself.”

“He needs to do better with this. He's dating the most famous person in the world and that comes with maturity, responsibility and understanding.”

Travis Kelce kisses Taylor Swift after winning the Super Bowl as confetti falls to the ground

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce celebrate her Super Bowl victory on the field. (Erick W. Rasco/Sports Illustrated via Getty Images)


Khaki added that navigating “perception issues comes with the territory” when you're in the spotlight. She noted that the couple “will want to present a united front, coordinate on major announcements and be thoughtful about what they share publicly. Avoiding public relations missteps will take conscious effort from both parts”.

“He needs to play at all levels, not just on the pitch,” suggests Nathan.




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