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Actor, singer and director T. Oliver Reid to speak at Bucknell's Griot Institute | Applause

Actor, singer and director T. Oliver Reid to speak at Bucknell's Griot Institute |  Applause
Actor, singer and director T. Oliver Reid to speak at Bucknell's Griot Institute |  Applause


The Bucknell Griot Institute for the Study of Black Lives & Cultures will feature actor, singer and director T. Oliver Reid as a speaker in its spring series on Wednesday, February 28 at 7 p.m. in the Elaine Langone Center Forum. The series is free and open to the Bucknell community, as well as the general public.

Reid most recently starred on Broadway as Hermes in Hadestown and has spent over 20 years working on Broadway. His shows include Hadestown; Once on this island; Sunset Boulevard; After midnight; Sisters Act; Mary Poppins; The Wedding Singer; Chicago; The Cage Aux Folles; I will never dance; Millie completely modern; Follies and Kiss Me, Kate have garnered more than 20 Tony Awards from the American Theater Wing.

Reid is the recipient of the Bistro, MAC, Julie Wilson, Alfred Drake and NYCGMC BAPA Arts In Action Awards. He is also an accomplished cabaret performer and director/choreographer, most recently working on Universal Pictures BROS, starring Billy Eichner. He continues to work in film and television as an actor (Inventing Anna, The Sixth Sense, GIRLS, Ray Donovan, The Blacklist). He also serves on the Board of Visitors of the

A graduate of the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Reid is an assistant professor of musical theater at Rider University, as well as an adjunct professor at New York University-Tisch Grad Acting. Reid is associate choreographer of Hadestown (Broadway and Tour). He is also co-founder of the Black Threatre Coalition, whose mission is to remove the illusion of inclusion for black professionals in American theater.

Anyone needing accommodations for a Griot event, please contact the Griot Institute at 570-577-2123 or [email protected] at least five business days prior to the event. Those who cannot attend the conference in person can also request a Zoom link.

Reid's appearance is in partnership with the Department of Theater and Dance and co-sponsored by the Bucknell Institute for Lifelong Learning and the Department of Music.

The Spring 2024 series is co-sponsored by the Counseling and Student Development Center, the Womens Resource Center, the Freeman College of Management, the Department of Education, the National Society for Black Engineers, the Bucknell Black Alumni Association, and the Center for the Study of. Race, ethnicity and gender. Funding is provided in part by the University Courses Committee and the Anti-Racism Fund.

For more information about this event, contact Griot Programs Manager Michelle Lauver, [email protected].




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