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Esha Deol shares her first photo after announcing her separation from Bharat Takhtani | Bollywood

Esha Deol shares her first photo after announcing her separation from Bharat Takhtani |  Bollywood
Esha Deol shares her first photo after announcing her separation from Bharat Takhtani |  Bollywood


Esha Deol, earlier in February, announced her separation from her husband Bharat Takhtani. She was recently in Goa for the beach wedding of Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani. On Thursday, Esha shared her first Instagram post since announcing her split. The actor posted a selfie of herself kissed by the sun from a car. Read also : Esha Deol, Husband Bharat Takhtani Heads For Separation; read their full joint statement here

Esha Deol posted her first photo after announcing her separation.
Esha Deol posted her first photo after announcing her separation.

Esha Deol's Instagram Post

“No matter how dark it is, the sun will rise (yellow heart and sun emoji),” Esha wrote in the caption. She added the hashtags “sun, sunrise and “gratitude” to her caption.

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Esha wore a Dior hat and black top in the photo which was apparently taken on Thursday while she was traveling after attending Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani's wedding in Goa on Wednesday. “You are stunning. You are beautiful. You are strong and don't let anyone doubt you,” read one of the comments on Esha's new Instagram post.

Esha and Bharat's relationship

Esha Deol is the daughter of veteran actors Dharmendra and Hema Malini. She and Bharat Takhtani got married in Mumbai in 2012. They share two daughters Radhya, born in 2017, and Miraya, born in 2019. After more than 11 years of marriage, Esha and Bharat Takhtani announced their separation earlier in February.

They said in a joint statement: “We have mutually and amicably decided to part ways. With this change in our lives, the best interests and well-being of both of our children are and will be of the utmost importance to us. We appreciate that our privacy is respected.

Dharmendra sad over Esha Deol separation

According to a report by Bollywood Life, Esha's father, veteran actor Dharmendra, is 'sad' that the couple has decided to end the marriage, and that's why he wants Esha and Bharat to 'reconsider their separation “. A source had told the portal, “No parent can be happy to see their children's family broken. Even Dharmendra ji is a father and we can understand his pain. It's not that he is against his daughter's decision to separate, but he wants her to think again.

The source added, “Both Esha and Bharat respect Dharmendra immensely. He is like a son to the Deol family, while Esha is the apple of father Dharmendra's eye and he wants her to always be happy. While his family is getting addicted, he is indeed sad, and that is the reason why he wants them to reconsider their separation. Esha and Bharat have two daughters, Radhya and Miraya. They are very close to their grandparents, paternal and maternal. The separation seriously affects the children and so Dharamji feels if the marriage can be saved, they should.”

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