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Bollywood Newswrap, February 23: Rakul Preet Singh-Jackky Bhagnani Unveils Wedding Video; Vikrant Massey-Sheetal Thakur names their son Vardaan

Bollywood Newswrap, February 23: Rakul Preet Singh-Jackky Bhagnani Unveils Wedding Video;  Vikrant Massey-Sheetal Thakur names their son Vardaan
Bollywood Newswrap, February 23: Rakul Preet Singh-Jackky Bhagnani Unveils Wedding Video;  Vikrant Massey-Sheetal Thakur names their son Vardaan


On February 23, 2024, many Bollywood news has arrived in the Top section. First, newly married couple Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani released their dream wedding video. On the other hand, new parents Vikrant Massey and Sheetal Thakur named their baby boy Vardaan and also gave a glimpse of the newborn. Let's take a quick look at the top 5 Bollywood news stories today (February 23).

Here are the top 5 Bollywood news for February 23, 2024

1. Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani unveil wedding video

On February 23, Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani shared their wedding video on Instagram with the song Bin Tere. The video is a dreamlike scene, showing the couple absorbed in the joy of their celebration. The bride and groom are captured dancing and thoroughly enjoying their wedding day festivities. They created a captivating experience for the guests attending the event. The video gives a delightful insight into the couple's happiness and the vibrant atmosphere of their wedding celebration.

Watch Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani's Beautiful Wedding Video:

2. Vikrant Massey and Sheetal Thakur name their baby boy Vardaan

Vikrant Massey and Sheetal Thakur posted a collaborative post on their Instagram to share a glimpse of their baby boy's face. In this heartwarming photo, the baby can be seen snuggled in his mother's arms, while his father looks on adorably. The photo was apparently taken after a poop, as both parents have a teeka adorning their foreheads. In the next picture, the couple revealed that their little one's name is Vardaan, which means a blessing for which one is deeply grateful. Sharing the photos, they wrote, “Nothing short of a blessing. We named him VARDAAN!!!”

3. Kiara Advani expresses her enthusiasm for the role of Don 3

In a statement, Kiara Advani opened up about her role in the upcoming Don 3 opposite Ranveer Singh. Expressing her happiness, Kiara shared, “I think it was a conscious decision; I wanted to do something different. I wanted to change it for myself, and it was a genre I wanted to get into throw.”

She added: “And that's the exciting thing, right? As an actor, you're constantly playing different characters and making the world believe that's who you are. Preparing for the film will be difficult, but I have time to do this. I'm very excited, I've never done an action movie, so.

4. Kareena Kapoor Khan, Tabu and Kriti Sanon's Crew teaser to release on February 24

Kareena Kapoor Khan, Tabu and Kriti Sanon released a collaborative post and shared two sets of new posters of their upcoming Crew on Instagram. They revealed the teaser release date in the post. Sharing the post, they captioned, “This #Crew is ready to take off, right? #CrewTeaser, coming tomorrow. #CrewInCinemasOnMarch29@tabutiful @kritisanon @diljitdosanjh and a special appearance from @kapilsharma.” The film is scheduled to hit theaters on March 29, 2024, coinciding with the Good Friday weekend.

5.Rakul Preet Singh displays mangalsutra at Mumbai airport with Jackky Bhagnani

A photo on Instagram shows Rakul Preet Singhstriking posing with her husband Jackky Bhagnanias, they landed in Mumbai today. The actress flaunted her mangal sutra with a diamond pendant along with sindoor and choorah. The newly married couple posed for the paparazzi, displaying bright smiles on their faces.

Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for all the latest Bollywood news!

READ ALSO : PIC: Rakul Preet Singh flaunts her mangalsutra with diamond pendant at Mumbai airport with Jackky Bhagnani




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