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Kiran Rao says she never had any big fights with ex-husband Aamir Khan: We understand each other quite well | Bollywood News

Kiran Rao says she never had any big fights with ex-husband Aamir Khan: We understand each other quite well |  Bollywood News
Kiran Rao says she never had any big fights with ex-husband Aamir Khan: We understand each other quite well |  Bollywood News


Despite ending their marriage more than two years agofilmmaker Kiran Rao and her former partner, Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, continue to maintain a family bond, in addition to co-parenting their son, Azad. Kiran, who frequently mentions her strong bond with Aamir and his family, recently remarked that during their marriage, they never experienced any major conflicts.

“Anyone who is married will tell you that marriage has its challenges. And certainly, I've had my share of fights, and we've worked things out. But actually Aamir and I never really fought, it's very strange. We have our disagreements, but we never have big fights,” she said in a conversation with Puja Talwar.

“It’s also because I think we (herself and Aamir) respect each other a lot. We understand each other quite well, it's simply a matter of finding the right argument to convince the other or be convinced. Our relationship is like this; and we're both not too proud to agree (with each other). And that’s one of the advantages of having experienced this marriage. We have never seen turbulence like many people are experiencing. We've had our share of ups and downs, but never anything that I could even vaguely describe as antagonistic,” she said.

Previously, in a recent conversation with The week, Kiran mentioned that inclusiveness comes naturally to them. It comes naturally to us as people to be inclusive. My family was also present at the wedding. Honestly, it's something we didn't need to think about. We are a family. We actually have dinners on Monday nights where we all get together.

We also live in the same housing society. My mother-in-law stays upstairs, Reena lives next door and Nuzhat (Aamir's cousin) also lives nearby. This is because we truly love each other as human beings. I also spend time with Reena and Nuzhat apart from Aamir. My sisters-in-law live upstairs and I love them. These are relationships you shouldn't lose in a divorce. Aamir and I did not have an acrimonious divorce; We may have separated as a couple, but we are truly a family, she added.

Kiran Rao, who worked as Ashutosh Gowariker's assistant director on Lagaan, married Aamir in 2005. In 2011, they announced the birth of their son Azad Rao Khan through a surrogate mother. In 2021, the couple announced their separation in a joint statement.

Festive offer

Kiran Rao is currently gearing up for the release of her upcoming film Laapataa Ladies, which will hit the screens on March 1. Jointly produced by Aamir Khan, Kiran Rao and Jyoti Deshpande, the film stars Nitanshi Goel, Pratibha Ranta, Sparsh Shrivastava, Ravi Kishan and Chhaya Kadam in pivotal roles.

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