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RIP Buddy Duress, Safdie Brothers Good Time Actor

RIP Buddy Duress, Safdie Brothers Good Time Actor
RIP Buddy Duress, Safdie Brothers Good Time Actor


Buddy Duress with Benny Safdie in 2017

Buddy Duress with Benny Safdie in 2017
Photo: Getty Images

Actor Buddy Duress (born Michael C. Stathis), frequent collaborator of the Safdie brothers who appeared in God knows what, Good timeAnd Funny pagesis dead. Talk with People, her brother Christopher Stathis revealed that Duress died of cardiac arrest due to a cocktail of drugs in November. The constraint was 38.

Duress had spoken openly about his substance abuse problems, explaining in an interview with Sense in 2017 that he met Josh Safdie after spending a few months in New York's notorious Rikers Island prison for drug trafficking. He agreed to a deal that allowed him to avoid additional prison time if he attended a drug rehab program, but when the escort who was supposed to take him didn't show up, he simply left and spent the next 364 days sleeping in parks and using a fake ID to avoid authorities. Meanwhile, her friend Arielle Holmes told her she was going to star in a movie.God knows whatand presented him to co-director Josh Safdie.

Safdie asked Duress to also be in the film (Sense said it was because of his self-confidence and warm power), and he thought at the time that he probably would never have been an actor at all if he hadn't skipped the program ordered by the tribunal. People says he eventually got caught and was back at Rikers when the film premiered in 2014.

When he came out, Josh and Benny Safdie reportedly asked Duress to write a journal about his experiences, which they used to inform their storyline. Good timetheir 2017 film starring Robert Pattinson as a small-time crook trying to dodge the police in New York. Duress played Ray, another criminal on parole and who briefly takes over the film upon his arrival.

Duress later made a cameo appearance in the Safdie-produced film. Funny pagesbut as explained by People, he was still having trouble with the police. He returned to Rikers in 2019 for robbery, then again for threatening to burn down his mother's house, then again for charges of menacing and criminal possession of brass knuckles and a controlled substance. This happened while he was filming director Cameron Van Hoys. To move backwith Van Hoy saying People that Duress was pure electricity on screen and that he was a kind person who loved making movies. We will see him in his latest film, Mass State Lotterylater this year, with director Jay Karales saying he was a once-in-a-lifetime charismatic actor.

Duress is survived by his mother and brother.




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