Famous comedian and actor, Ohio State graduate and Buckeye fan Richard Lewis dies at 76

Ohio State lost one of its famous fans this week.
Richard Lewis, comedian and actor best known for his stand-up comedy and starring in HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm, died Tuesday evening at age 76 after suffering a heart attack. Lewis was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease last April.
While Lewis was known nationally for his work in television and film, he was known in Columbus for his love of the Buckeyes. Lewis frequently posted messages supporting the Ohio State football team on social media.
Holy #Buckeyes ! I just received it and I am amazed. I am deeply honored! But tragically,
Even though my degree was in business, in Hollywood, I still managed to get fooled by over 3000 agents and managers! @OhioStateFB @OhioStateAlumni pic.twitter.com/WZrh8x446QRichard Lewis (@TheRichardLewis) August 29, 2023
#Go Deer
One of the greatest victories of all time!
I am so proud to graduate from #theohiostateuniversity
@OhioStateFB @OhioStateAlumni
One game at a time until we crush TTUN!
Richard Lewis pic.twitter.com/byzr4qFJIYRichard Lewis (@TheRichardLewis) September 24, 2023
This Distinguished Alumni 2023 winner congratulates @OhioStateFB @OhioStAthletics
beat Penn State.
Now it's one breath at a time until we humiliate TTUN. pic.twitter.com/aClibW0id5Richard Lewis (@TheRichardLewis) October 21, 2023
Hey, Jimi, there's another turkey.
It would be Xichigan tomorrow
after my #buckeyes take them for leftovers.
@OSU_SpiritSquad#buckeyenation pic.twitter.com/JioMtsRPd4Richard Lewis (@TheRichardLewis) November 25, 2023
Lewis spoke in depth about his love for Ohio State during an interview on Eleven Dubcast in 2017.
It was the greatest moment of my life, Lewis told Eleven Dubcast in 2017. I made friends to this day that I'm still very good friends with… I couldn't love a school more, and I do. will do until the day I die.
Lewis also talked about his friendships with Ohio State football greats like Archie Griffin and Rex Kern, said he hadn't missed an Ohio State-Michigan game since 1965 and told stories about attending to Buckeye games, including the story of how he had to leave Ohio States in 1997. Rose Bowl wins over Arizona State in first quarter thanks to Curb co-star Larry David .
You can listen to Lewis' full Ohio State-themed interview in the audio player below.
Sources 2/ https://www.elevenwarriors.com/the-ohio-state-university/2024/02/145795/famous-comedian-and-actor-ohio-state-graduate-and-buckeye-fan-richard-lewis-dies-at-76 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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