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Actor Pierce Brosnan pleads guilty to walking in Yellowstone National Park thermal area • Idaho Capital Sun

Actor Pierce Brosnan pleads guilty to walking in Yellowstone National Park thermal area • Idaho Capital Sun
Actor Pierce Brosnan pleads guilty to walking in Yellowstone National Park thermal area • Idaho Capital Sun


James Bond's character may have liked his martinis shaken, not stirred, but a former Bond actor caused a stir by strolling through a restricted thermal area in Yellowstone National Park.

Actor Pierce Brosnan, known for playing Bond in the 1990s 007 films, pleaded guilty Thursday to walking in a thermal spa area of ​​Yellowstone National Park and will have to pay fines to a park nonprofit. Two quotes were published in November last year. The Livingston Company reported the actor was filming at the Yellowstone Film Ranch at that time, and this trip to Yellowstone was a personal excursion.

Brosnan initially pleaded not guilty to the charges. But a sentencing document filed Thursday shows he ultimately admitted to a misdemeanor charge of traveling on foot in a Yellowstone thermal area. Another misdemeanor charge for violating closures and use limits was dismissed without prejudice by the court.

The actor will have to pay a total of $1,540, including $1,000 in community service to Yellowstone Forever, the park's official nonprofit partner, according to its website. The U.S. Attorney's Office initially asked the court to fine Brosnan up to $5,000 and two years of probation, Yellowstone National Park announced Thursday.

On November 1, Brosnan uploaded photos to his Instagram account showing him standing at a Yellowstone National Park hot springs facility in Mammoth Hot Springs, according to the park. The photo has since been deleted. There are signs in the area warning visitors not to get too close to the thermal features and to stay on the designated trail.

The Mammoth Terraces are a popular tourist attraction in the northern part of the park, with their white and rust-orange travertine terraces made of hot springs rising through the limestone, according to the park's website.

The National Park Service warns visitors on their website and on signage around the park to stay on designated trails near the hot springs and use extreme caution. The soil in the thermal areas is fragile and thin, the Yellowstone park said, and the boiling water lies just below the surface.

Therefore, entering thermal features is dangerous and can harm the park's delicate natural resources, Yellowstone Park said Thursday.

The park was also created to protect these features, the park said. Yellowstone National Park is the world's first national park established in 1872.

Hot springs have injured or killed more people in Yellowstone than any other natural feature. Keep your children close and don't let them run around, the park says on the National Park Service website.

The National Park Service asks people to protect themselves and the environment and to report any behavior that could cause harm to themselves or others to a ranger. If you are in the park, you can call 9-1-1.

The Daily Montanan, like the Idaho Capital Sun, is part of States Newsroom, a nonprofit news network supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Daily Montanan maintains editorial independence. Follow Daily Montanan on Facebook And Twitter.





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