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The Crew Movie Review |

The Crew Movie Review |


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Tabu, Kareena Kapoor and Kriti Sanon, along with Crew, are totally breaking stereotypes. It's a real roller coaster ride. Geeta Sethi, played by Tabu, Jasmine Bajwa, played by Kareena Kapoor Khan, and Divya Rana, played by Kriti Sanon, are crew members working for Kohinoor Airlines. The airline is a thinly veiled representation of the defunct Kingfisher Airlines. The chairman of Kohinoor Airlines, played by Saswata Chatterjee, clearly refers to the famous billionaire Vijay Mallya, known for his escapades. The film's writers, Nidhi Mehra and Mehul Suri, make no effort to hide this connection, naming their character Vijay Walia, who runs away, declares bankruptcy and leaves thousands of employees stranded.

Geeta, along with her husband Arun Sethi, played by Kapil Sharma, runs a cloud kitchen on the side and the duo dreams of owning their own restaurant in Goa. Jasmine embodies the perpetual desire to know more, she is happy to pose with an LV bag or a BMW, even when she doesn't own them. She dreams of opening her own beauty products business, but does not have the means to finance it. She is the apple of her beloved grandfather's (Kulbhushan Kharbanda) eye. Divya Rana from Haryana, as she is affectionately called by the smitten customs officer Jaiveer (Diljit Dosanjh), is actually a trained pilot, who became an air hostess because she couldn't land a pilot's job and is still paying off his student loan.

They all have their motivations to pull off a gold heist. Destiny leads them to a corrupt airline officer (Rajesh Sharma), who hires them to smuggle gold to Al Burj. Only when they begin to question why gold is being smuggled into the Gulf and not the other way around, do they understand that they are actually helping their own capitals launder their wealth abroad. Their consciences flare, they plan a Mission Impossible heist for the sake of justice.

Director Rajesh Krishnan has woven a comedy that celebrates the power of women. It makes you think while entertaining. Geeta, Jasmine and Divya here are not one-dimensional but multi-faceted, facing the same life and career challenges as the women around you. They are best friends for life, leaning on each other for emotional support and much more. They need men but also cherish the bond they share as friends. Friendship, which transcends ages, is non-judgmental and forgiving. They know their faults but also their strengths. It's fun to spy on their engaging banter. Their conversations make you feel like you're listening to three women speaking from their hearts, rather than pompous dialogue.

The film has a fabulous, easy first half and flies by without turbulence. It's the second half that encounters patchy weather and the landing is a bit bumpy, nevertheless, they manage to land the plane and give you a pleasant flight in the process. This isn't strictly a heist film. It's a film about female friendships and taking life head on. The camaraderie between the three stars is extraordinary. We can see that there were no ego issues on the sets and that the three really enjoyed working together. Kareena uses her comedic genius to the fullest and her expressions and lines make you laugh to the fullest. Tabu has a better emotional arc in the film than the others and navigates it like the seasoned actress she is. Her scenes with Kapil Sharma seem like a glimpse of an average middle-aged, middle-class couple. They don't have much but they have love and that's enough. Kriti Sanon plays with some big hitters but didn't get overwhelmed by the company. She shines in the presence of the main actors, plays them well and thus brings her A-game to the film. Her romantic scenes with Diljit, though brief, carry a spark.

The men in the film, whether Diljit Dosanjh, Kapil Sharma, Rajesh Sharma or even Saswata Chatterjee, know that, for once, the spotlight is not on them and are voluntarily taking a step back. We surely need more such confident male co-stars.

Watch the film for the laughs and powerful message about female friendships. As for the acting skills displayed by Tabu, Kareena Kapoor and Kriti Sanon.

Trailer: Crew

Renuka Vyavahare, Mar 29, 2024, 05:43 IST

review rating:


History: Circumstances lead three scammers into gold smuggling. It's all fun and games until conscience calls.

Goodbye: Girls must have fun and Bollywood is finally listening.
Colleagues Geeta Sethi (Tabu), Jasmine Kohli (Kareena Kapoor Khan) and Divya Rana (Kriti Sanon) serve looks and then hospitality to passengers of Kohinoor airlines. The undisputed drama queens have their own battles to fight and lies to hide. Nothing unites the employees more than their collective misery and this creates an improbable bond between the three flight attendants. When they discover that their debt-ridden airline is on the verge of bankruptcy, the women are forced to seek desperate measures to survive. Necessity is the mother of invention and sometimes even of crime.

The crew has a smooth takeoff, enjoying a great first half and a bumpy landing. This fast-paced comedy thriller entertains at all times, even when the climax becomes too convenient, far-fetched or far-fetched. The heist thing isn't clever nor does it pretend to be, which works. The humor comes from the character's unapologetic and unapologetic approach to life, without thinking seriously about it. Their shots are as effective as the gun ki Vasco Da Gama (from Andaz Apna Apna) and yet they exude the style and attitude of the ramp models. Pure unconsciousness evokes laughter as you submit to their world of ambition, faded vanity and illusion.

Caught in the crossfire between needs, desires, and morals, despite his frothy exterior, Crew has an interesting take on the upper middle class and their relationship with money, ethics, and a dead-end job that enslaves them for life. Adarshon se bill nahi bharte, Geeta recalls.

Speaking of the ladies, Crews' lead actresses are in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, respectively, and the casting hasn't seemed this fun for an all-female Indian heist film in a long time. Beyond the organic inclusiveness of age, the story doesn't stray away from women, even with men as entertaining as Diljit Dosanjh and Kapil Sharma. Kulbhushan Kharbanda also appears in a special appearance and none of the male characters are unimportant despite their brief screen time, as seen in most chick flicks.

While all three bring their A game, Tabu and Kareena exude true movie star energy to show how it's done. Diljit was right when he said, “Hogi Rihanna, hogi Beyonce, sadi ta ae he hai, Kareena.” Bebo oozes punch and substance as a hustler who hides her loneliness. Torn between responsibilities and desires, Tabu is formidable. Both are electrifying on screen with distinctly written characters for each. The two even make age-related jokes that we're sure resonate with them. Kriti adds to the sass and has great chemistry with Diljit but feels more like a third wheel. The latter makes a charming impression. He gives the film its best laugh-out-loud moment when he asks Kriti, “Tumne mujhe instagram pe follow back kyu nahi kiya?”

If you're looking for a light, crazy comedy, Crew is worth diving into – with all its frivolity, humor and glamour.




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