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A stay at the Palihotel Hollywood, just steps from the Walk of Fame

A stay at the Palihotel Hollywood, just steps from the Walk of Fame


Formerly a motel dating back to circa 1958, the Palihotel Hollywood, opened last year, has been thoughtfully transformed into a 74-room boutique property by the Palisociety hotel group. Away from the street noise of Sunset Boulevard, the property feels intimate and fun, with a courtyard pool as its centerpiece, surrounded by large lounge chairs that seem to beg for a bit of a drink during the day.

Lobby Cocktail Bar / Photo: Courtesy of Palihotel Hollywood

From the peach checkerboard pool deck, you can peek over the edge of the hotel to spot towering palm trees that hint at the world outside. The lobby cocktail bar, framed by festive botanical wallpaper, of course offers margaritas, as well as a multitude of signature cocktails including the Painkiller Slushie (aged rum, pineapple, coconut cream, orange), the Eastside (mezcal, cucumber, mint, lime) and the Pink Hare (gin, grapefruitCampari, lemon).

Bennys on-site restaurant on the boulevard. prepares a Texas taqueria-inspired breakfast menu. Notable morning tacos include shiitake with egg whites and black beans, chorizo ​​with egg and queso fresco, and avocado with egg and queso fresco. The rooms, many of which overlook the pool, consist of double, queen, king and suites. All are more design-focused than one might expect for the price, with Diptyque bath products, Bellino sheets and robes, nice Smeg mini-fridges, 43-inch HDTVs, and walk-in showers. raindrops that drop a deluge of water as warm as you are. might possibly want to.

Breakfast deals at Bennys on the Blvd. restaurant / Photo: Courtesy of Palihotel Hollywood

The non-smoking hotel also offers on-demand massage and spa services as well as overnight valet parking for a daily rate. And it's pet-friendly: Dogs up to 30 pounds can stay for a $125 package, which includes an organic treat upon arrival, a dog bed, a stuffed toy, bowls for food and water and courtesy bags for dog walking.

The Queen Room / Photo: Courtesy of Palihotel Hollywood

Palisociety chose the location well. It's a five-minute walk to Hollywood Boulevard and the Walk of Fame, and a pleasant 20-minute walk to Runyon Canyon, a surprisingly wild 160-acre urban park where you can hike a network of paved and dirt trails, people- (and coyote-) watch and admire fantastic views of the city below and the Hollywood sign above.

The hotel is also an easy drive to the nightlife of West Hollywood and the Sunset Strip. If hunger pangs strike, as they often do after a night out at the bars, don't worry, the In-N-Out Burger next door stays open until at least 1 a.m.

The 19-property Palisociety Hotel Group, which has several brands within its portfolio, some more luxurious farmhouses, some more urban lodges, has properties in cities like Austin, Seattle and Memphis, with a concentration in California : Carmel-by-the-Sea, San Francisco and Santa Barbara all in Palis. Los Angeles alone has seven.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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