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IPL 2024: Jos Buttler reveals the Bollywood actor he would like to see in his biopic

IPL 2024: Jos Buttler reveals the Bollywood actor he would like to see in his biopic
IPL 2024: Jos Buttler reveals the Bollywood actor he would like to see in his biopic


Rajasthan Royals (RR) teammates Jos Buttler and Trent Boult revealed some of their favorite TV shows, actors they would like to play their characters in a biopic and some Indian Premier League (IPL) and cricket favorites ahead of the Punjab Kings (PBKS) clash. in Mullanpur taking place on Saturday. RR and PBKS will face each other in Mullanpur on Saturday. RR are at the top with four wins and one loss and their winning streak was ended by Gujarat Titans (GT). PBKS is in eighth place with two wins and three losses. They lost their previous match against Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH).

In a fun Q&A session before the match, Buttler revealed which actor he would like to play his character in a biopic, he said, 'Shahrukh Khan'.

The England wicketkeeper asked the Kiwi pacer what was the last thing he searched on his phone, to which Boult hilariously replied: “Trent Boult dismisses Jos Buttler.”
When asked about his craziest interaction with fans, Boult remarked that Indian fans are pretty crazy about their favorite players.

“It’s all selfies and waves and kisses, which is weird,” he added.

Buttler was asked about a show he could watch for the rest of his life and the English star revealed it would be 'Friends', a popular American sitcom from the 1990s starring actors Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, late Matthew. Perry and David Schwimmer.

Trent Boult also revealed that right-handed batter KL Rahul, currently representing Lucknow Super Giants (LSG) in the IPL, is his favorite Indian player. Buttler, when asked about the best cover drive, said: “I would say Virat Kohli.”

Kiwi pacer Boult revealed that his favorite IPL dismissal would be his 100th wicket in the tournament, which happened to be Virat of Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB).

Asked about a batter from the past he would like to dismiss, Boult said: “I would like to have a piece of (former England batter) Kevin Pietersen.

Boult revealed he would be a postman if he wasn't a cricketer.

When asked to choose between England's 'Bazball' style of cricket and the style of cricket of his opening partner Yashasvi Jaiswal, popularly known as 'Jaisball' since the Test series against England, Buttler sided with the latter.

“It was sad to see him score so many runs (in the series against England). But as a Royals player, it was impressive,” Buttler said.

Boult crowned India and Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) veteran Bhuvneshwar Kumar as the 'best new ball bowler'.

On a current IPL cricketer that Buttler would like to have in RR, the batter replied: “Rashid Khan (currently playing for GT).”

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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