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When Bollywood actor Om Prakash received his first film offer at a wedding

When Bollywood actor Om Prakash received his first film offer at a wedding


Om Prakash has had an illustrious career in Bollywood.

Om Prakash has had an illustrious career in Bollywood.

The actor worked for All India Radio before venturing into the film industry.

Om Prakash was a well-known actor and producer of Hindi cinema. He has shared screens with superstars like Amitabh Bachchan, Sharmila Tagore and Dilip Kumar. Om Prakash's role in Amitabh Bachchan's Sharabi and Chupke Chupke was appreciated by the audience and critics. With an illustrious career in the film industry, did you know that he was once a radio jockey and was offered his first role at a wedding? Yes, you read that right.

Om Prakash is a famous actor who rose to prominence in the film industry with his brilliant character roles in Hindi cinema. His comedic timing has often left top comedians in awe. He started learning classical music at the age of 12. Besides music, he was interested in theater and cinema. Before entering the film industry, the actor worked for All India Radio for a monthly salary of Rs 25. He was known as Fateh Din, a name for his radio personality. His programs made him popular throughout Punjab. According to media reports, Om Prakash once attended his friend's wedding, when filmmaker Dalsukh Pancholi asked to see him at his office in Lahore.

Om Prakash got his first break in Dalsukh Pancholis' film Daasi. It was directed by Hiren Bose and released in 1944. Om Prakash's debut was followed by many successful and blockbuster films including Azaad, Miss Mary, Howrah Bridge, Dus Lakh, Padosan, Sadhu Aur Shaitaan and Dil Daulat Duniya. He has acted in over 300 films during his film career. He also produced the film Jahan Ara, which starred Bharat Bhushan, Shashikala, Prithviraj Kapoor and Mala Sinha. It was directed by Vinod Kumar and released in 1964.

Apart from his acting prowess, Om Prakash also made headlines for his marriage. According to media reports, he met a fan while working on the radio. Coming from a Sikh family, the girl used to visit the actor at the studio, from where their love began to blossom. Disagreement within the couple's family, their love never converted into marriage.

According to an ABP News report, one day Om Prakash was in a paan shop when a woman asked him to marry her daughter. As soon as he heard the woman's request, Om Prakash agreed to marry the girl named Prabha Chibber.

Om Prakash died of successive heart attacks followed by a coma on February 21, 1998.




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