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Xi Jinping reorganizes China's military to enable Beijing to 'fight and win' future wars | World | News

Xi Jinping reorganizes China's military to enable Beijing to 'fight and win' future wars |  World |  News


China has implemented the biggest restructuring of its military in more than eight years, giving Xi Jinping has even more direct control of the country's armed forces, analysts say.

This comes after Chinese President Xi Jinping effectively abolished the Strategic Support Force (SSF), a military branch he created in 2015 combining the information, cybersecurity and space warfare departments, transferring space and cybersecurity to a new command structure.

He inaugurated in its place the Information Support Force, a department which he said was “an entirely new strategic branch of the PLA and a key pillar of the coordinated development and application of the information system networked”.

It will be under the direct command of the Central Military Commission, a Communist Party and state organ that controls the People's Liberation Army (PLA), the unified organization of China's land, sea and air forces.

Announcing the structural overhaul at a ceremony, Xi said the new force would play an important role in helping the country's military “fight and win in modern warfare.”

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On the same day, China's Ministry of Defense appeared to suggest that the SSF had been split into three separate units: the Information Support Force, as well as the Aerospace Force and the Cyberspace Force – the latter two appearing to be separate units. existing departments of the SSF renamed by the government. , THE Financial Times reports.

According to ministry spokesperson Wu Qian, the PLA now consists of four services: the army, navy, air force and rocket force, as well as four arms: the three units under the FSS and the Joint Logistics Support Force, according to CNN.

Joe McReynolds, a Chinese security researcher at the Jamestown Foundation, told the FT: “When the SSF was created, it reorganized existing capabilities under a new command structure.

“We imagined at the time that this could be a transition, and now it has.”

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But Chinese military experts said Beijing redesigned the structure because of an incident last year in which one of the country's surveillance balloons was shot down by the United States, as well as corruption investigations targeting military leaders and the failure to achieve effective collaboration across the world. various divisions of the SSF.

This follows experiments with more modest reorganizations by the military in recent years, suggesting that the reforms introduced in 2015 were not complete.

“The relative success of the functions they moved under CMC leadership has convinced them that they will have the control they want,” McReynolds said.

He added that the Chinese government was working to remove layers of command and give senior leaders the ability to speak directly to tactical forces in wartime, if necessary.

Joel Wuthnow, a senior fellow at the Pentagon-funded National Defense University, said it's likely the newly created Information Support Force will take over communications and network defense of the PLA.

Getting these things done is of paramount importance to the PLA in any future conflict, and it has paid close attention to these functions and likely learned lessons from the war in Ukraine for its own organization, he said to CNN, in reference to Russia's invasion of Russia. his neighbour.

It is therefore logical that the [Central Military Commission] the president would like to play a more direct role in this area.

It comes amid ongoing tensions between Washington and Beijing over a long-feared Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

The Chinese state considers Taiwan to be part of its territory and, despite repeated warnings from the United States and other allies, has vowed to take control of the territory.

James Char, a researcher at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, told the outlet that if a conflict over Taiwan were to break out, the Information Support Force would likely take over and serve as a spearhead to support the APL. is trying to dominate the information space before Beijing's adversaries can do so.




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