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Animal Well Game Review, a dizzying puzzle platformer of Lynchian weirdness

Animal Well Game Review, a dizzying puzzle platformer of Lynchian weirdness


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The beauty of independently developed indie games is that playing them feels like peering into the most intimate, and often strangest, parts of their creators' minds. Consider Nina His Freeman's unflinching autobiographical work or Richard Hoffmeyer's classic harrowing life simulator Kurt His Life. Games like this may be shaped by technical and economic compromises, but they are a pure and diluted way of making interactive media closer to the idea of ​​painting as a window into the psyche, or even soul, of its creator. It also provides an expression of your vision.

Well, Animal Well is a 2D puzzle platformer so full of strange and unusual details that it feels as if the subconscious mind of solo maker Billy Bassos has been mapped onto the computer screen itself.

This is also due to the Metroidvania structure of the game. We're constantly delving deep into a dense Borgesian labyrinth populated by hordes of enchanting creatures, including creepy flamingos, killer ostriches, and creepy monster cats. Occasionally, an eerie synth soundtrack interrupts the silence that resonates in this subterranean space, and you'll come across eerie statues of animals standing on stone pedestals, their stone eyes piercing the pitch black darkness. It happens often.

We play as blobs rather than finely drawn characters with clear motivations. Indeed, this hunk possesses greater dexterity than one would normally expect from such a gelatinous being, able to move and swing everyday objects such as yo-yos and Frisbees onto platforms with pinpoint precision. can. But the lack of definition of blobs is actually the point. Amid moment-to-moment gameplay of exploration, platforming, and puzzle-solving, our gooey protagonist disappears into a mesmerizing pixel-art backdrop, focusing on the titular well itself, which is undoubtedly the star of the show. Masu.

Rabbits are also residents of the game's labyrinth.

Beyond the wonderfully evocative visual design (including a bioluminescent slime cave), this subterranean environment is brought to life through the crystalline, hermetic logic that governs it. The aforementioned Frisbee is the perfect foil for the relentless ghost dog. Slinky can be used to trigger hard-to-reach switches. The yo-yo bounces off any surface reliably. It's a world that feels physically cohesive, and the puzzles almost always lean toward this quality. These aren't difficult enough to interrupt the flow of exploration, but they still frequently create revelatory “aha” moments. The balance is just right.

I've also come across puzzles that I know I have no hope of solving on my own, so I have to turn to the game's enthusiasts on Discord for answers. Basso has already shown what he is capable of in this regard. In 2022, he devised an elaborate pre-release puzzle within his marketing trailer. In this puzzle, the player must, among other things, decipher a text encrypted as his 16th century Vigenre cipher. From what dark crevice in Basso's heart did this reckless stroke of genius emerge? Why does he feel he has to test his audience in this way? Such questions come up frequently in Animal Well. It's as if Basso is showing us his strangest dreams, nightmares, and obsessions.

Available from May 9th on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and PC




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