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Inside Hollywood superstar Zendaya's quiet life in Britain after this threesome trailer sent moviegoers into meltdown

Inside Hollywood superstar Zendaya's quiet life in Britain after this threesome trailer sent moviegoers into meltdown
Inside Hollywood superstar Zendaya's quiet life in Britain after this threesome trailer sent moviegoers into meltdown


SHE has reached such a stratospheric level of fame that Zendaya is referred to exclusively by her first name.

But the Hollywood beauty is in no danger of falling into the traps of superstardom as she has swapped sunny California for good old Blighty.

Zendaya has become one of the most famous women in Hollywood in recent years.


Zendaya has become one of the most famous women in Hollywood in recent years.Credit: Getty
Zendaya is dating actor Tom Holland whom she met on the set of Spider-Man: Homecoming in 2016


Zendaya is dating actor Tom Holland whom she met on the set of Spider-Man: Homecoming in 2016Credit: Getty
Since dating Tom Holland in west London, Zendaya is more likely to be spotted shopping at Waitrose than on a high-profile night out.


Since dating Tom Holland in west London, Zendaya is more likely to be spotted shopping at Waitrose than on a high-profile night out.Credit:

Since hanging out with British Spider-Man actor Tom Holland in southwest London, the 27-year-old is more likely to be spotted shopping at Waitrose than at 'a first-rate evening.

Despite her scene-stealing role in Dune: Part II, the highest-grossing film of 2024 at the global box office, the actress is now reportedly spending her free time on guided tours of Hampton Court Palace and at London's trendy bakery , Gails.

As if to highlight her weakness for England, Zendaya stepped out in a Wimbledon-themed dress at the UK premiere of her new film, Challengers, last week.

Released April 26, it stars Tashi Donaldson, a former tennis player turned coach, who finds herself in a love triangle with The Crowns' Josh O'Connor and Tony Award nominee Mike Faist.

The trailer broke the internet with a steamy scene of the trio getting intimate in a hotel room.

A source who has worked with Zendaya said the star chooses her roles carefully to avoid being typecast.

Worth an estimated $17 million today, the former Disney Channel star was 19 when she played MJ in the first of three Spider-Man films alongside Tom as the superhero .

The source told The Sun: Once she accepted a job, she gave it her all.

On Challengers, that also means graphic sex scenes and heavy, emotionally complex dialogue.

She has a reputation for never calling in and always giving 110 percent, and it will make her a lot richer if she continues to pick up hits at the rate she does.

Zendaya stuns with futuristic fashion, Dune Part Two premiere

During the premiere, Zendaya revealed that it was a challenge playing Tashi.

She said: She's so complex and complicated and messy, and I appreciate that in a character.

I don't think you still love him. I also don't think you always hate her, and it was my challenge to make sure she had the fragility and sensitivity as well as the toughness and directness.

Zendaya added: I don't necessarily always play the good guy.

I like to believe that I have characters that are multi-faceted and multi-dimensional in one way or another, and I think she's the cruelest, most direct character I've ever played.

The starlet, whose full name is Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman, grew up in Oakland, California, with her parents Kazembe Ajamu Coleman and Claire Stoermer, both teachers.

When asked why she chose to drop her last name, she replied in 2016: I just thought it was cool, like Cher or Prince.

Zendaya was 14 when she rose to fame on Disney Channel's Shake It Up, playing Rocky Blue.

Yet she escaped the so-called Disney curse, which saw many former stars, including Britney Spears and Demi Lovato, struggle with mental health issues, tantrums and addictions.

Zendaya credits her parents for instilling in her core values ​​that helped her avoid a wild phase so often associated with young stars.

I have complicated feelings about children, fame, being in the public eye, or being a child actor.


Growing up in the public eye and becoming the family's primary breadwinner, she told Vogue: I don't know how much choice I had.

I have complicated feelings about children, fame, being in the public eye, or being a child actor.

We have seen many cases where this has proven detrimental.

“I felt like I was being put in a very adult position: I was becoming the breadwinner for my family very early on.

“There’s been a lot of role reversal and kind of growth, really.

This gave the teenager the courage to stand up for herself on set, bravely telling producers that she wouldn't have her first on-screen kiss.

Zendaya recalls: I remember being on Shake It Up and being like, “I'm not going to do that.

“I'm going to kiss him on the cheek because I haven't been kissed yet, so I don't want this kiss to be filmed.

And during discussions about the 2015 Disney spy series, KC Undercover, the actress whose father is African-American fought for more representation on the network, insisting that producers cast black actors to play her family on screen.

She said: It was the first time I realized that I could have some power and ask for the things I wanted.

It was extremely important to me that it was a black family that was highlighted.

Already a successful TV star in the US when she signed on for Marvel's Spider-Man: Homecoming reboot in 2017, Zendaya saw her boyfriend Tom catapulted to superstardom.


She said: We were both very, very young, but my career was already well underway and hers changed overnight.

One day you're a kid and you're at the pub with your friends, and the next day you're Spider-Man.

I definitely saw his life change in front of him.

Greatest Showman star Zendaya was said to have been a positive influence on Tom over the years, as he played the superhero in two other independent films and Marvel's Avengers.

Of the couple who kept their romance a secret for four years until a fan caught them kissing in Tom's sports car in Los Angeles, our source says: Tom's head became a little swollen after he started having all these huge superhero hits and ultimately it was Zendaya who brought him back to Earth and really transformed him into a humble, grateful, mature person.

They're together all the time and extremely supportive of each other, but you can tell it's Zendaya who's steering the relationship in this steady, steady direction.

She simply didn't let her childhood success turn her into a damaged monster in early adulthood and is very good-natured and pleasant.

“People love working with her because of the calm, professionalism and integrity she brings to every project she takes on.

It's this professionalism that allowed Zendaya to make history in 2020.

At age 24, she became the youngest recipient of the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series for her role in HBO's Euphoria.

The teen drama saw Zendaya play drug addict Rue Bennett, who hits rock bottom as she experiences the painful physical and mental effects of withdrawal.

The Challengers trailer broke the internet with a steamy scene of Zendaya and two men getting intimate in a hotel room.


The Challengers trailer broke the internet with a steamy scene of Zendaya and two men getting intimate in a hotel room.Credit: Warner Brothers
Zendaya was instrumental in the box office success of Dune: Part Two


Zendaya was instrumental in the box office success of Dune: Part TwoCredit: Getty

Two years later, after the release of the second series, Zendaya won another Emmy, making her the youngest double winner and the first black woman to win the award for lead actress in a drama series twice.

In her acceptance speech, she said: My greatest wish for Euphoria is that it can help heal people.

She has since starred as Chani in the hugely popular film versions of Frank Herbert's science fiction Dune novels, alongside Timothee Chalamet, Josh Brolin and Jason Momoa.

The second film, Dune: Part Two, has raked in $480 million at the box office since its release in March, breaking several box office records.

Following its success, director Denis Villeneuve committed to making a third film.

The films helped Zendaya's Instagram reach a whopping 184 million.

Despite her megastar status, she remains humble and that includes doing her own grocery shopping.

Locals spotted Zendaya with wet hair and wearing a casual jumper and jeans at Waitrose in New Malden, southwest London.

She lives with Tom in a 2.5 million house near Richmond, a few miles from Kingston-Upon-Thames, where Tom grew up.

I don't necessarily want my children to face this celebrity


And the actress even tried to familiarize herself with Cockney rhyming slang.

She told us: I love the British accent, but even if Tom tries to explain it to me, I'll never understand the rhyming slang.

I understand the concept, but what do apples and pears have to do with stairs?

It's cute when he tells me all the different phrases but I really don't understand.

Remaining coy about their relationship over the years, in a recent joint interview with the American and British versions of Vogue magazine, Zendaya opened up about the possibility of starting a family.

She said: I don't necessarily want my children to have to deal with this fame.

“And what will my future look like? Am I going to be a public person forever?

No doubt whatever she does next, it will be a match, set and match victory for the talented star.

Zendaya with her mom Claire Stoermer and her dad Kazembe Coleman


Zendaya with her mom Claire Stoermer and her dad Kazembe ColemanCredit: Getty
Zendaya at the Greatest Showman premiere in 2019


Zendaya at the Greatest Showman premiere in 2019Credit: Getty
Zendaya in a shimmering green dress for the Challengers premiere in Sydney, Australia


Zendaya in a shimmering green dress for the Challengers premiere in Sydney, AustraliaCredit: Splash
Zendaya in a white dress for the Challengers premiere in London


Zendaya in a white dress for the Challengers premiere in LondonCredit: Rex
Zendaya attends the Challengers photocall in Milan, Italy


Zendaya attends the Challengers photocall in Milan, ItalyCredit: Getty




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