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A recovering actor in Devon, Hampstead Theater review

A recovering actor in Devon, Hampstead Theater review


But, sometimes we, bus pass holders, can feel old in a nice, slippers and without a pipe (doctors' orders), manner, the familiar subjects, the warm atmosphere, the surging themes on the fourth wall and not drawn into it.

The truth is that there is room for both approaches, but we see the former rather than the latter, the category into which Richard Nelson's new Hampstead play Downstairs, written specifically for Paul Jesson, falls (photo below), falls completely. Were in the company of an actor (and a visibly empty chair) initially on their way by train to Devon to recover from cancer surgery. He is in a reflective mood and soon weaves a tapestry of memories from a long and largely happy life. There's the partner, also an actor, who wasn't supposed to start but did, the friends and family, extracts from Shakespeare and tales of roles played and missed people who move in and out of his stories . It is not a linear narrative of a life, but rather a grab bag of important and less important things as they float through one's consciousness, the older one gets, the more one recognizes this way of remembering events, history as a mosaic and not as a book.

There is poignancy at the basis of this one-man show, as Jesson himself underwent mouth surgery affecting the tools of the actor's trade, his facial expressions and the tone and cadence of his voice. It's probably customary at this point to use adjectives like “brave” and “courageous”, but I suspect Jesson might hesitate a little and suggest that he is an actor doing a job and that all roles require that he finds the truth in them and in this one. is no different. It is certain that Clarissa Brown directs without any sentimentality, the trust between writer, performer and director being the foundation of the play's conception and execution.

There's something else too, the kind of thing you don't know you're missing until you're presented with it and realize you are. I last saw him in Barry Humphries' one-man show and you can see examples of him on Youtube from chat show appearances by Peter OToole or Richard Harris and great friends Kenneth Williams and Maggie Smith on Parkinson's.

It's the showbiz anecdote told by masters of storytelling with no show to sell, no music video idea for TikTok, no ax to crush just a human being's ancient desire to involve others in their lives. Although the stories we hear from Jesson are fictional, the characters and incidents are real, lightly disguised for our enjoyment.

And fun is the motto of this show. Of course, there is also pain, grief for a lost partner, worry for one's own failing health, a comfort felt in retreating from a world in which one once walked vigorously. That said, there are also compensations, mining a beautiful and well-lived life from the point of view of old age. For a little over an hour, you can wallow a little in the company of a good actor at the helm of a lovely script with just the right amount of emphasis on real-world issues to keep things honest .

There's no doubt that a younger demographic may not be ready for this production, but if you know it, you know it. And if you know it, you'll enjoy it.




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