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San Antonio actor to star in Disney's Frozen at the Majestic

San Antonio actor to star in Disney's Frozen at the Majestic
San Antonio actor to star in Disney's Frozen at the Majestic


Preston Perez plays the mysterious Prince Hans in Disney's Frozen, the Broadway musical, which will be presented at the Majestic Theater from May 22 to June 2.

SAN ANTONIO One San Antonio member is making a name for himself with a burgeoning Broadway career that will soon bring him back to the Alamo City.

Preston Perez plays the mysterious Prince Hans in Disney's Frozen, the upcoming Broadway musical Majestic Theater from May 22 to June 2. KENS 5 recently caught up with the actor while on tour in Philadelphia.

He grew up in San Antonio, attended Bulverde Creek Elementary School, and eventually enrolled as a musical theater major at NEISD's North East School of the Arts (NESA).

As far as my education goes, that was my most pivotal moment, Perez said. I had a blast at NESA and decided I wanted to become an actor.

In addition to being back in his hometown, it is particularly meaningful for him to perform on the Majestic stage. Historical theater provided the support and encouragement he needed to launch a professional career.

I have participated in the Joci Awards three times. The Majestic Empire Foundation basically funded my education, he said.

Luckily, there's a nationally ranked college theater program right in San Antonio's backyard, right on I-35. Perez attended Texas State University's theater program, which he says helped launch his career to the next level.

It didn't take long for him to land a role on Broadway, booking Neil Diamond's musical A Beautiful Noise shortly after graduating.

From there, he landed a starring role in Frozen, the Broadway musical.

Although he's still early in his career, he reflects on how his childhood in San Antonio helped prepare him for the tight-knit world of theater.

What's really special about San Antonio and the experiences I had there is that the community was a very important aspect of my life in San Antonio, Perez said. I have a big family. My grandfather has seven brothers, and they all had children, and they all had children, so I have a lot of cousins.

His character in Frozen, Prince Hans, is intriguing and complex. If you're one of the billions of people familiar with the now-classic Disney tale, you know where his character ends up. But Perez says the role allows him to explore both sides of the same coin.

It’s truly a fantastic, meaty role for an actor. “You spend a lot of time convincing the audience to forget that he's the bad guy, which is a really special arc for me as an actor and for the character,” Perez said. In a way, yes, I'm the bad guy, but when I start the show, I don't think about that at all. I think I'm a prince who will woo Anna and make her fall in love with me.

For Perez personally, he is proud to be part of such a beloved and far-reaching story.

For many people, it means so much to them. Whether you identify with Anna or Elsa, the story of these two sisters whose love is stronger than any love they have for a prince or a man they might meet. It's a truly special and unique Disney story, Perez said.

And finally, Perez answered the very important question: What's the first thing he'll do when he returns to the Alamo City?

I'll have a barbacoa taco and some Big Red. I'm going to have a chamoy snow cone, I'm going to buy tons of Mexican candy. These are like special treats that you really won't find anywhere else.

Perez will be back on South Texas soil around the end of May.

Frozen, a Broadway musical, runs from May 22 to June 2. Click here for tickets.




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