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CPS@NAB: Google Clouds evolves Hypes GenAI

CPS@NAB: Google Clouds evolves Hypes GenAI
CPS@NAB: Google Clouds evolves Hypes GenAI


LAS VEGAS If there was one dominant buzzword at NAB 2024, it was GenAI. And according to Toby Scales, head of media and entertainment at Google Cloud's CISO office, there's good reason.

Generative AI deserves the hype, he said at the Content Protection Summit, held during the NAB Show. And you need to expand the practices already in place to cover AI development.

Scales explained why GenAI is important and emphasized to CPS attendees that they should ask questions about GenAI to stakeholders and partners. He used Google's Secure AI Framework (SAIF) as a model to follow. SAIF calls for expanding strong security foundations in the AI ​​ecosystem, expanding detection and response to introduce AI into an enterprise's threat universe, automated defenses, and much more. SAIF ensures the ethical and responsible adoption of AI and is designed to answer the biggest questions surrounding AI.

Start with the data. Data poses a risk, Scales said. Anyone who works in cybersecurity knows this. And with the lack of regulatory standards around AI (so far) in the United States, you need a plan. Google aims for responsible data use by not using customer data to train its models, Scales said, and there is no third-party access to customer data.

Next, you should ask yourself what you are going to build with GenAI. At Google, we firmly believe that responsible AI is successful AI, Scales said. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to responsible AI. GenAI, whatever its use, must first be accountable to people, he added.

And perhaps the biggest question around GenAI is what new threats does it expose? The short answer to that question is data, Scales said, noting that internal company data and source code are the two largest data sets exposed with GenAI.

In threat modeling, use cases are important, he said. Start with the use case and build your threat model from there.

To launch the CPS, Richard Atkinson, president and chairman emeritus of the Content Delivery & Security Association (CDSA), provided an update on the state of the media and entertainment security industry, an overview of the program day and thanked the CDSA. community for its continued camaraderie.

We relate to each other more like friends than colleagues, he said.

CPS event attendees heard from experts on crucial M&E security topics around protecting against insider threats, standards for locking out hacking at live events, the importance of security management assessments, risks and best practices in terms of identity and integration/disintegration of production teams. And AI's increasingly important role in security was at the forefront, as the industry grapples with its benefits and consequences.

CPS was presented by Fortinet, with sponsorship from AMD, Convergent, Digital Silence, NAGRA, Prime Focus Technologies, and EIDR, in association with the NAB Show. The event was produced by MESA and the Content Delivery & Security Association (CDSA).




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