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Jenna Jameson's ex-wife deletes shared video due to mental health concerns | Entertainment

Jenna Jameson's ex-wife deletes shared video due to mental health concerns |  Entertainment


Jenna Jameson's ex-wife has removed her separation announcement video to protect the former adult film star's mental health.

Jessi Lawless announced on TikTok earlier this week that she requested an annulment because her partner allegedly lied to her about his drinking, but she deleted the post on Wednesday (04.17.24) and has now explained that she had done it following a “heart-to-heart” with her partner.

Jessi told TMZ: “I don't want his mental health to be affected any more than it already has been. I love him. This is a very delicate time for us. We both have hearts broken and let's try to find hope for the future.”

And despite her previous comments about Jenna's drinking during a solo trip to Chicago, she confirmed that the “Limelight” actress was sober.

She added: “She told me she would never drink again, and I can see at this point that she is in fact sober today and plans to stay that way.

“I just wanted her to be safe and healthy.”

Although the former hairstylist said she filed for the annulment, she now says there is “hope” for her and Jenna because they love each other, but she wouldn't say if she would withdraw her legal request or not.

In her original video, the 41-year-old influencer explained that she drew a “hard line” on the adult film actress' alleged drinking early on in their relationship because it led to “so many problems” in the movie “Cherry Pie”. ” star's life, but she felt betrayed after Jenna allegedly hit the bottle during a solo trip to Chicago.

She said: “It's the first time she's gone to an event without me since we've been married. It's the first time she's been away from me. I've kept her on the straight and narrow.

She goes to Chicago and starts drinking. And then when I confronted her about it, she was definitely trying to lie until I told her that people had sent me pictures of you with champagne in your hand.

She admitted it, obviously. I didn't even really have the photos, I just told him yes. I knew she drank…

She told me flatly: I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry. “

A spokesperson for Jenna – who was previously married to Brad Armstrong and Jay Grdina – said she did not want to discuss the “details of her marriage at this time.”

However, his representative told the New York Post newspaper: Research has shown that empathy and understanding are better responses to addiction than judgment, shame and moralizing.

Expressing your unconditional love and support can be one of the kindest things you can do. Let them know you're there for them, relapse or not, ten days clean or 200.

Unfortunately, in the past, due to cultural attitudes surrounding addiction, tactics such as shaming, humiliation, yelling, and attack therapy were commonplace.

Currently, rehabilitation centers recognize that this approach would constitute malpractice and have no place in the delicate process of treatment. Clients are much more likely to experience greater success when empathy is placed at the forefront of the care process. »




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