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The Misanthrope in Lafayette and other area shows – Boulder Daily Camera

The Misanthrope in Lafayette and other area shows – Boulder Daily Camera


On the scene

Emma: Unconventional adaptation of Jane Austen's classic comedy; on stage through May 5, Denver Center Theater Company, Wolf Theater, 14th and Curtis Streets, Denver; $35 to $87;

Guadalupe in the guest room: Mexican telenovelas bridge a gap for grieving family members; on stage through Saturday, Firehouse Theater Company, John Hand Theater 7653 E. 1st Place, Denver; $22 to $27;

The improvised Shakespeare company: A troupe of actors improvises a Shakespearean-style play with the help of the audience; on stage through April 28 at the Garner Galleria Theater, 14th and Curtis Streets, Denver; $45;

The Misanthrope: Classic comedy by Molières; on stage through May 5, Theater Company of Lafayette, 300 E. Simpson St., Lafayette;

GM: New Tony Award-winning musical featuring the music of Michael Jackson; on stage through April 28, DCPA Broadway, Buell Theater, 14th and Curtis Streets, Denver; $39 to $179;

My beautiful lady:Award-winning musical comedy about a cockney bridesmaid transformed into an elegant lady; on stage through June 9, Jesters Dinner Theater, 214 Main St., Longmont; $19 to $50;

Noises off:Hilarious behind-the-scenes prank; on stage through May 5, Arvada Center, 6901 Wadsworth Blvd., Arvada;

Space Explorers The Infinite:Immersive theatrical experience inspired by NASA missions; on stage through May 5, Denver Centers Off-Center, Stanley Marketplace, 2501 Dallas St., Aurora; $45;

Where are we sitting on the bus? : New one-woman show about a young Latina listening to a lesson on Rosa Parks; on stage through June 2, Denver Center Theater Company, Singleton Theater, 14th and Curtis Streets, Denver; $35 to $56;


237, avenue Virginie: Black comedy about the current housing crisis; May 2-19, Local Theater Company, The Savoy, 2700 Arapahoe St., Denver; $10 to $39;

The Blueys’ big game: New musical based on the popular children's show; May 11 and 12, DCPA Broadway, Buell Theater, 14th and Curtis Streets, Denver; $20 to $70;

The Cher Show: Broadway tour of the musical that chronicles the life and music of the superstar; May 3-5, DCPA Broadway, Buell Theater, 14th and Curtis Streets, Denver; $35 to $110;

Business: Visit to Broadway for the revival of Stephen Sondheim's musical; May 22-June 2, DCPA Broadway, Buell Theater, 14th and Curtis Streets, Denver; $35 to $120;

Fiddler on the Roof: Classic musical comedy about a Jewish family and its traditions; May 10-19, Longmont Theater Company, 513 Main St., Longmont; $35;

The complete Monty: Musical comedy about a group of working-class men who have a novel idea for raising money; April 26 to June 2, Miners Alley Playhouse, 1100 Miners Alley, Golden; $27 to $51;

The heartbeat of the sun: Local playwright Melissa Lucero McCarl's story of two actresses navigating the ups and downs of their lives in this love letter to a life in the theater; May 3-19, Cherry Creek Theater, Mizel Center, 350 Dahlia St., Denver; $34 to $51;

The Lehman trilogy: Tony Award-winning drama (Best Play) about three brothers as they face fire, flood and war; May 3-June 2, Denver Center Theater Company, Kilstrom Theater, 14th and Curtis Streets, Denver; $35 to $73;

Lend Me a Tenor by Ken Ludwig: A three-ring comic circus mixing celebrity worship, opera and mistaken identity; April 24-26, Fairview High School, 1515 Greenbriar Blvd., Boulder, $12;

The road to Léthé: Local playwright Jeffrey Newman's new retelling of an ancient Greek myth; April 26-May 18, Benchmark Theater, 1560 Teller St., Lakewood; $18 to $30;

These brilliant lives: Four women have their dream jobs in a factory in 1922; May 11-June 8, Firehouse Theater Company, John Hand Theater, 7653 E. 1st Place, Denver; $22 to $27;

What the Constitution means to me: Intelligent and timely comedy; May 3-19, BETC, Dairy Arts Center, 2590 Walnut St., Boulder; $45;

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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