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Barron Trump considering NYU for college, Lowell Sun report says

Barron Trump considering NYU for college, Lowell Sun report says
Barron Trump considering NYU for college, Lowell Sun report says


WASHINGTON, DC AUGUST 27: First lady Melania Trump (L) looks at her son Barron Trump after U.S. President Donald Trump delivered his speech accepting the Republican presidential nomination on the South Lawn of the White House on August 27 2020 in Washington, DC. Trump delivered this speech to 1,500 guests. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

As Barron Trump prepares to graduate from high school in Florida next month, which his father, Donald Trump, may have to skip due to his criminal trial in New York, the former president's youngest son must decide where he will go to college.

A few weeks before the deadline to commit to a school, a report by the Daily Beast said New York University topped Barron's list.

Former US President Donald Trump (center right) stands with his wife Melania Trump (center left), their son Barron Trump (center) and his father-in-law Viktor Knavs (out of frame), in the casket containing the remains of Amalija Knavs, the former first lady's mother, is carried into Bethesda-by-the-Sea Church for her funeral, in Palm Beach, Florida, January 18, 2024. (GIORGIO VIERA /AFP via Getty Images)

If so, that means the former president's youngest son would be returning to his hometown of New York. At NYU, he would also study at a school about three miles from Trump Tower. It was there that he grew up for the first 11 years of his life, before he and his mother, Melania, moved to Washington, D.C., to live with his father in the White House.

The Daily Beast said Trump representatives did not respond to repeated inquiries about Barron's college choice. NYU also did not respond to requests for comment, the Daily Beast said.

But Barron's possible choice to attend NYU raises questions. Certainly, it's a prestigious university with a roster of famous alumni, including entertainment luminaries such as Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, Alec Baldwin, and Anne Hathaway. Jack Dorsey also studied at NYU, where he said he began writing the software that eventually became Twitter, which incidentally was Trump's preferred way to communicate with his MAGA followers.

One problem, however, with NYU is that it is not an Ivy League school. And Barron's father often expressed his admiration for people with Ivy League educations, including himself. Because Trump and three of his older children, Don Jr., Ivanka and Tiffany, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, the Daily Beast suggested there could still be a last-minute change and Barron could find himself at their alma mater.

The Trump family also has ties to Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., where Eric Trump earned a bachelor's degree in finance and management and Tiffany Trump earned her law degree. If Trump wins the presidency again, Barron could possibly live with his parents in the White House.




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