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In conversation with veteran Bollywood filmmaker KC Bokadia – Rising Kashmir

In conversation with veteran Bollywood filmmaker KC Bokadia – Rising Kashmir
In conversation with veteran Bollywood filmmaker KC Bokadia – Rising Kashmir


KC Bokadia, the famous Indian filmmaker, has an illustrious career spanning many hit productions such as 'Pyar Jhukta Nahin', 'Teri Meherbaniyan', 'Naseeb Apna Apna', 'Hum TumhareHaiSanam', 'Pyaar Zindagi Hai' » and “Main Tera”. 'Enemy.'

His directorial projects include notable films like 'Phool Bane Angaaray', 'Police Aur Mujrim', 'Insaaniyat Ke Devta', 'Aaj Ka Arjun' and 'Kudrat Ka Kanoon'. Additionally, he co-produced 'Paap Ka Ant'. Bokadia has an impressive portfolio, having worked on a total of 65 films.

In an interview with Rising Kashmir journalist,Oumar Raina,KC Bokadiatalks about the renaissance of Bollywood in the Kashmir Valley.

You mentioned that Kashmir offers an unprecedented backdrop for film shoots. What specifically draws you to this region for your next film?

The natural beauty of Kashmir is incomparable. The picturesque landscapes, serene lakes and majestic mountains provide the perfect setting for storytelling. For 'Zindagi Namkeen Hai', I believe Kashmir will add a unique flavor and depth to the narrative, thereby enhancing the overall cinematic experience.

Your enthusiasm for the beauty of Kashmir is evident. How does this compare to other filming locations you've worked in, such as Switzerland?

While Switzerland is undeniably beautiful, Kashmir holds a special place in my heart. Its beauty is raw, untouched and has a certain authenticity that resonates with filmmakers and audiences alike. The diversity of Kashmir's landscapes, from lush valleys to snow-capped peaks, offers endless storytelling possibilities. Additionally, filming in Kashmir also helps promote tourism and showcase the cultural richness of the region on a global platform.

It's fascinating to hear your perspective. Given your vast experience in the industry, do you think Bollywood is making a comeback in Kashmir, and if so, what factors are contributing to this resurgence?

Absolutely, Bollywood is gradually rediscovering Kashmir as a preferred destination for filming. The improving security situation, coupled with government initiatives to promote film tourism, has played an important role in attracting filmmakers to the region. Moreover, the ease of access and availability of modern cinema infrastructure has further facilitated the process. As more and more filmmakers like me choose Kashmir for their projects, I believe we will see a lasting renaissance of Bollywood in the valley.

Your commitment to promoting Kashmir through your work is commendable. Would you consider venturing into Kashmiri language filmmaking, and if yes, what kind of stories would you like to explore?

Absolutely, I am looking forward to the opportunity to create a Kashmiri language film. I firmly believe that cinema is a powerful means of exchange and cultural preservation. If I get a chance, I would love to collaborate with local talents and storytellers to bring authentic stories from Kashmir to the forefront. Whether it is showcasing the rich folklore, history or contemporary issues of the region, I am committed to amplifying the voices of Kashmir through cinema.

Could you share your thoughts on the potential of setting up a film studio in Kashmir and its impact on the local community?

I strongly believe that establishing a film studio in Kashmir would not only boost the economy of the region but also create ample opportunities for talented individuals. Beyond job creation, a film studio can serve as a hub for creativity, innovation and skills development. This would enable budding filmmakers, technicians and artists from Kashmir to hone their craft and showcase their talent on a global scale. Additionally, it would promote collaboration and cultural exchange within the industry, thereby enriching Kashmir’s cinematic landscape.

Thank you, Mr. Bokadia, for sharing your ideas and vision for the future of cinema in Kashmir. It was a pleasure speaking with you.

It’s my pleasure, thank you for this engaging conversation, and I look forward to witnessing the continued growth and prosperity of the Kashmiri film industry.




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