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Lee Joon revealed his daily life by appearing on an entertainment program for the first time since..

Lee Joon revealed his daily life by appearing on an entertainment program for the first time since..


Lee Joon revealed his daily life by appearing for the first time in a long time on an entertainment show, telling the story of the school violence he experienced in middle school.

MBC's “Omniscient Interfere” (hereinafter referred to as “Omniscient Interfere”) broadcast on the 20th showed Lee Jun checking the ratings of the recent drama as soon as he woke up. I could see the pressure as an actor because of his regretful appearance, saying, “I've fallen.”

On the show, Lee Jun revealed his spacious house and said, “I heard it’s a bed used by three generations. I bought it because I thought it was profitable,” he said, drawing laughter. Lee Jun's house seemed spacious enough for him to use alone, but he said he had been living alone since his mother had recently moved out. He explained that he was sensitive to sleep, so he built a house for his mother.

Lee Joon revealed his daily life by appearing for the first time in a long time on an entertainment show, telling the story of the school violence he experienced in middle school. Photo = Capture “Omniscient Interfering View”

Lee Joon notably revealed painful memories of school violence in the past, arousing the sympathy of many people. When he was in middle school, he talked about an incident in which he couldn't stand injustice, faced negative behavior at school, and was attacked by underclassmen. “When I saw the first class people get on the desk and talk and their saliva was dripping, I told them to stop as vice president. A week later I received my first cup of tea of ​​my life,” he recalls.

Furthermore, Lee Jun also revealed his experience of catching a vehicle while driving drunk twice. He went to the police as soon as he found a strange car, because he can't stand injustice, but the item didn't work. The police didn't recognize me,” he said. These past experiences showed Lee Jun's courage in fighting for justice despite difficulties.

The office building of Lee Jun's agency, TPC Brake, was also revealed for the first time on the show. The fashionable office building also served as a place where the CEO invited acquaintances and actors to cook. Lee Jun's agency representative said, “I wanted to create a space where our actors and employees could stay comfortable.”

Lee Jun said, “What I suffered in middle school made me what I am now, and the best revenge for first-class people was popular. » He added: “This is now proof that we are receiving much more love than during this period. MBLAQ days (MBLAQ).

Lee Jun's story shows how he grew despite the pain of the past. Photo = Capture “Omniscient Interfering View”

Lee Jun's story shows how he grew despite the pain of the past. He tried to protect his values ​​and justice despite difficulties, which is reflected in the present where he is loved by the public.

Lee Jun reduced the distance with his fans by revealing not only his daily life, but also his personal side and his little tastes and habits in real life through the show.

For example, the fact that he frequently uses his bike to go to the gym provides insight into his eco-friendly and health-conscious lifestyle. Lee Jun's manager said, “Lee Jun is a person who generally values ​​efficiency, so he seems to use a bicycle often. »

Lee Jun showed his side as an exemplary artist who overcame difficulties and followed his own path through various aspects presented on the show. This story particularly touches the younger generation and his heartfelt confession has given courage and hope to many.

The story of Lee Jun overcoming his past difficult experiences and becoming a successful artist shows how he overcame his past and reached his current position. His story gives many hope and motivation to overcome life's difficulties, highlighting how strong he is.

[Kim Seunghye, reporter of MK Sports]




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