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Sonic the Hedgehog Video Game Voice Actor Responds to Keanu Reeves' Shadow Casting

Sonic the Hedgehog Video Game Voice Actor Responds to Keanu Reeves' Shadow Casting
Sonic the Hedgehog Video Game Voice Actor Responds to Keanu Reeves' Shadow Casting


Voice actor Jason Griffith is happy to see Keanu Reeves get the role of Shadow the Hedgehog. Following the announcement that Reeves would voice Shadow in Sonic the Hedgehog 3Griffith offered support and advice to the actor, explaining that it was actually his first choice for the role.

“Shadow is now played by Ted Theodore Logan, John Wick and Neo, so I think that's a really good company to keep. I think it's a great casting choice myself.” Griffith said TMZ. “People were asking me who it would be, I think, if it was me. I said: I hope it's Keanu. I think even his natural voice lends itself so well to Shadow that it's a great choice.“.


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Griffith voiced Sonic and Shadow in a series of Sonic the Hedgehog video games released between 2005 and 2010. He also voiced the characters in the English dub of the anime. Sonic. While Tails' voice actor Colleen O'Shaughnessey took on the role in Sonic films after first playing the character in video games, Griffith confirmed that he was not asked, but he was happy to see Reeves reprise the role. He then shared some advice with Reeves for his portrayal of Shadow.

“To share this character with someone like Keanu, it’s such an honor,” he said. “I definitely think they want to keep it fresh, they want to keep everything new, and it's a changing of the guard, if you will. Keanu, I think it's a great addition because that, being Keanu, he's going to attract such a large number single-handedly“.



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Following the advice he received on how to play Sonic, Griffith continued: “Dig deep into the darkest place of your soul and speak from there, but not evil. It's not evil . Shadow is more of an anti-hero. He's not a villain.” Dr. Robotnik, or an Eggman type character. He wants the greater good, but he comes from this place of shadow. So the biggest advice I would give is to be yourself, Keanu.“.

Keanu Reeves Joins Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Voice Cast

Ben Schwartz voices the main character of the Sonic the Hedgehog films, and he is back to reprise the role for the third installment. Also starring is Idris Elba as Knuckles, who stars in his own spinoff series that premieres on Paramount+ on April 26. After it was revealed that Krysten Ritter had joined the cast, rumors swirled that she would voice the role of Rouge the Bat, although this has not been confirmed.

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 will be released in theaters on December 20, 2024.

Source: TMZ

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie logo

Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Double the problem: Sonic isn't the only fast star this time! His trusty sidekick, Tails, joins the action with thrilling team-up maneuvers and adorable antics.

Jeff Fowler

Release date
December 20, 2024

Idris Elba, James Marsden, Ben Schwartz, Colleen O'Shaughnessey

Pat Casey, Josh Miller

Main genre

Production company
Paramount Pictures, Sega Sammy Group, Original Film, Blur Studio, Marza Animation Planet




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