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Q&A Artist Korbin Beilski Talks New Exhibition in West Hollywood

Q&A Artist Korbin Beilski Talks New Exhibition in West Hollywood
Q&A Artist Korbin Beilski Talks New Exhibition in West Hollywood


Last week we attended the opening of “A Celebration of Los Angeles: The Light and the Dark” by artist Korbin Bielski, currently on display at the Gallery at Circus of Books. Korbin sat down with WEHO TIMES to discuss his exhibition, his work and his thoughts on AI. Korbin is a local West Hollywood professional photographer known for his captivating California landscapes, iconic Los Angeles scenes and creative portraits.


Mike: Thank you for taking the time to chat with me. What do you hope viewers take away from your latest installation The Light and Dark?

Korbin: I hope people see my passion for photographic art and Los Angeles/West Hollywood. I hope they will also see that I am multi-faceted, or as some say, a true Gemini (laughs). You'll see my beautiful bright landscapes of Los Angeles, happy and fun, next to a girl in a neon ski mask smoking a joint. I have many interests and I'm not one to photograph just one thing or be one type of artist.

How many works are currently on display at the Cirque des Livres Gallery?

I have 22 pieces in the gallery

Korbin Bielski exhibition at the Circus of Books gallery – Photo by Mike Pingel for WEHO TIMES

Which do you think is your most creative outlet, portraits or fine art photography?

I think photographing portraits is when I'm most creative. I started by photographing fashion and portraits and I love collaborating with a model. My new work will bring everyone together and it's a mix of my fashion and architecture work, so a fashion meets architecture vibe.

What is your favorite piece on display at the Cirque des Livres at the moment and why?

It's so hard to say which one is my favorite, but I would say the giant 40×60 print from my American Primitive series. The series is a commentary on social media and the mask some people wear creates a digital facade and the mask is polygonal representing the digital age we all live in. She is naked because deep down we are all the same, skin and bones and that is not the case. it doesn't matter how many followers you have. The zoo represents a more primitive and easier time before the internet and social media.

Korbin Bielski exhibition at the Circus of Books gallery – Photo by Mike Pingel for WEHO TIMES

As a West Hollywood resident, what is your favorite thing about our city?

I love living in West Hollywood. It's very walkable and there are so many things to do. Some of my favorite restaurants and bars are within walking distance of my house. And I love being around gay people, I feel safe and comfortable being myself.

What was your favorite photographic subject?

One of my favorite subjects was Joshua Tree and Joshua Tree itself. It was during the pandemic and I hadn't been there in many years. I went out alone for a few days in a 117 degree heatwave and had a great time, very introspective and meditative.

Who would you like to have in front of your lens?

Madonna! Although I just saw her concert and I was in the third row, so I have amazing iPhone footage of her. But a one-on-one would be the pinnacle for me.

Korbin Bielski exhibition at the Circus of Books gallery – Photo by Mike Pingel for WEHO TIMES

What is your inspiration for each of your fine art photography works?

My inspiration is constantly evolving. As I said, my next product will be the meeting of fashion and architecture. And the city of Los Angeles inspires me too.

What do you think about AI in photography?

I'm OK with AI as long as people are honest about the image of AI. I've actually seen some really amazing AI footage and might try it myself.

Where can people find you online?

You can buy my photos onkorbinbielski.comand find me on Instagram @korbinbielski

The Korbin Bielskis exhibition will run from April 18 to May 18, 2024. Gallery @ Circus presents the works of LGBTQ+ artists from around the world. Art is located in both galleries. Circus of Books East at 8230 Santa Monica Blvd and Circus of Books West at 8861 Santa Monica Blvd.




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