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Actor Louis Gossett Jr.'s Cause of Death Revealed

Actor Louis Gossett Jr.'s Cause of Death Revealed


The Oscar winner died at the age of 87 on March 29 in Santa Monica, California.

LOS ANGELES Actor Louis Gossett Jr.'s cause of death has been revealed.

The Oscar winner died at the age of 87 on March 29 in Santa Monica, California, from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, known as COPD, according to several media reports.

His death certificate also listed heart failure and atrial fibrillation as contributing factors, according to People.

Gossett's death was announced in a statement shared by his family.

His cousin Neal L. Gossett I remembered a man who walked with Nelson Mandela and who was also a great joke teller, a parent who confronted and fought racism with dignity and humor.

Never mind the accolades, never mind the glitz and glamour, the Rolls-Royces and the big houses of Malibu. It’s about the humanity of the people he defended, his cousin said.

Louis Cameron Gossett was born on May 27, 1936, in the Coney Island neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, to Louis Sr., a porter, and Hellen, a nurse. He later added Jr. to his name to honor his father.

Gossett always viewed his early career as a reverse Cinderella story, with success finding him at an early age and propelling him forward, towards his Academy Award for an officer and a gentleman.

Gossett rose to prominence on the small screen as Fiddler in the groundbreaking 1977 miniseries Roots, which depicts the atrocities of slavery on TV. The sprawling cast included Ben Vereen, LeVar Burton and John Amos.

Gossett became the third black Oscar nominee in the supporting actor category in 1983. He won for his performance as an intimidating Navy drill instructor in An Officer and a Gentleman opposite Richard Gere and Debra Winger. He also won a Golden Globe for the same role.

More than anything, it was a huge affirmation of my position as a black actor, he wrote in his 2010 memoir, An Actor and a Gentleman.

Gossett made a series of appearances on shows such as Bonanza, The Rockford Files, The Mod Squad, McCloud and a memorable turn with Richard Prior on The Partridge Family.

He recently played a headstrong patriarch in 2023 remake of The Color Purple.

He is survived by his sons Satie, a producer-director from his second marriage, and Sharron, a chef he adopted after seeing the 7-year-old on a television show about children in desperate situations. His first cousin is actor Robert Gossett.

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