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Live Arts' upcoming 34th season aims to take audiences on a journey

Live Arts' upcoming 34th season aims to take audiences on a journey
Live Arts' upcoming 34th season aims to take audiences on a journey


Live Arts will launch its next season with two plays that examine what people could learn from the past, then welcome the holiday season with a reminder that there is no place like home.

Travel is the season's theme, and the word somehow conjures up an adventure, Susan E. Evans, artistic director of Live Arts, told the Daily Progress.

The 2024-2025 season, unveiled on Sunday, will begin with two pieces in the rotating repertoire; An Iliad by Lisa Peterson and Denis OHare, directed by David Minton from September 27; and What the Constitution Means to Me by Heidi Schreck, directed by Cady Garey starting September 28.

Evans said An Iliad features a moving sequence that attempts to catalog all the wars in history, with the poignant realization that new wars may arise around the world before each production.

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What the Constitution Means to Me has what Evans calls a real interactive component with the public and involves an examination of the past and what should we learn from the past.

John Gibson, who previously held Evans' current role at Live Arts, will return to Charlottesville after 18 years to direct The Wizard of Oz, which opens November 22. Ray Nedzel will serve as co-director and Lance Brenner will serve as musical director. for a production that promises to take a fresh look at a beloved story.

Evans said Gibson saw this as a story that needed to be told over and over again.

A trip back in time can be expected at the Virginia premiere of Jackie Sibblies Drury's Marys Seacole, which opens February 14, 2025. The play, presented by the Mosaic Theater in Washington, D.C., follows the caregivers of times modern in a retirement home. and looks back at a real Crimean War nurse who was refused help from Florence Nightingale because she was black and set up her own nursing station.

Evans said the piece honors all the Marys and caregivers who give until it hurts. It's about women caring through time, Evans said.

Evans will preside over the filming of Horton Footes The Trip to Bountiful, which begins March 21, 2025.

We are always afraid to use the word educate. I like to use pieces that make people think a little bit, Evans said.

To close out the 34th season, the Waterworks Festival will present new works on Water Street beginning May 16, 2025. Adrienne Oliver, Live Arts Director of New Works, will direct the festival.

In the meantime, the current “Expectations” season will continue from May 17 to June 2 with this year’s Waterworks festival. Tickets are already on sale for Waterworks, and audience members can find the full list of new shows at Don't forget to reserve your place for the opening reception on May 17 and the closing party on June 2.




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