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Ayushmann Khurrana admits that all of Bollywood is on rent; congratulates Diljit Dosanjh for THIS reason

Ayushmann Khurrana admits that all of Bollywood is on rent;  congratulates Diljit Dosanjh for THIS reason


Bollywood and fashion always go hand in hand. The actors never fail to leave their fans stunned with their fashion choices and always manage to set new trends. Well, Ayushmann Khurrana is one of the most stylish actors and in a recent interview, he spoke about the rental culture in Bollywood.

The actor who has always made sure to leave everyone stunned with his roles on the big screen, in an interview with Mashable India, spoke about fashion in Bollywood and much more.

Ayushmann Khurrana praises Diljit Dosanjh's style

Speaking about the rental culture, Ayushmann Khurrana said: Pura Bollywood rent pe hai. Aapko lagta hai hum kapde kharedte hai? (All of Bollywood is rental. Do you think we buy all our clothes?) We hire stylists, they get the clothes and return them. Where are we going to get so many clothes.

Talking more about the style of Bollywood acting that he really loves, Ayushmann took the name Diljit Dosanjh. The actor joked that he liked his style and was happy with Punjab and added that the Chamkila star took it to the world stage. He's too good.

Ayushmann Khurrana reveals giving pocket money to his brother Aparshakti

Ayushmann Khurrana also spoke about his brother Aparshaktis' fashion sense and admitted that he took advantage of it. I'm not passionate about fashion. My life is very simple, but if you have to wear different looks for your job, that's part of your job but it doesn't motivate me.

The Vicky Donor star added that his brother did his hair when he did Anchorage and he earned pocket money for it. Maine bola tu mujh karde style, ghar ke paise ghar mein aajaege. Mein Khud actor Ban Gaeya Hu later told me he didn't have time.

Ayushmann Khurrana broke up with Tahira Kashyap after winning Roadies

In the same interview, Ayushmann said, “It's very difficult to deal with fame when you're 16, 17 and when you're a teenager. I remember I broke up with my then girlfriend because I was getting attention from other girls I went through that phase where you just get a taste of fame and popularity.

Ayushmann, who became the most popular man in Chandigarh and started getting reputed work, opened up about how he motivated his desire to “live his life” behind the breakup. He shared, I was the most popular guy in Chandigarh at that time and I broke up with Tahira saying that “I want to live my life”, but after 6 months I came back to her and told her ” I can't do this anymore, damn boy nahi ban sakta mein.'

Ayushmann Khurrana on the work front

On the work front, Khurrana was last seen in Dream Girl 2. Next, Pinkvilla has exclusively learned that Ayushmann Khurrana is in advanced stages of talks to join Sunny Deol in JP Dutta's ambitious war drama , Border 2. The actor will play the parallel. direct alongside Sunny in this Bhushan Kumar and JP Dutta production, which is expected to be mounted on an unprecedented scale.

Recently, Khurrana also signed a recording contract with a global music label and released a new single titled Akh Da Taara.

READ ALSO : Vicky Donor turns 12: Ayushmann Khurrana shares fan-made anime edit, pens heartfelt note




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