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Prime Minister Narendra Modi: security tightened for PM Modi's roadshow tomorrow | Bhopal News

Prime Minister Narendra Modi: security tightened for PM Modi's roadshow tomorrow |  Bhopal News


Bhopal: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold a roadshow in the state capitol Wednesday evening. During the day, the Prime Minister will address two public election campaign meetings in Sagar and Harda.
The roadshow will stretch for about 1.5 km from Mata Mandir to New Market to the old State Assembly building, now known as Kushabhau Thakre Auditorium. According to the program, it will start at 7 p.m.
Security was tightened in Bhopal in preparation for the roadshow. Around 2,000 police officers, including around 20 IPS officers, will be deployed for this. Also, traffic police issued a route diversion plan.
General traffic on the roadshow route from Mata Mandir to Roshanpura Square and from Roshanpura Square to Lily Talkies in Jehangirabad will remain diverted from 2 p.m. until the end of the roadshow.
On Monday evening, a joint team of Bhopal police and the prime minister's security officials conducted a one-and-a-half-hour rehearsal to analyze the security arrangements. DCP (traffic) Sanjay Singh said the Prime Minister's roadshow rehearsal was conducted by senior police officers from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. This involved carrying out a real-time analysis and knowing the points of traffic congestion, the places where it is necessary to erect barricades. Apart from the Lalghati area, no major traffic congestion was observed.
The area (roadshow route) is being disinfected by the Bomb Detection and Disposal Team (BDDS). The Bhopal Municipal Corporation teams cut the branches of trees along the tour route. Police Commissioner Harinarayanchari Mishra said tight security arrangements had been made for the Prime Minister's visit on April 24. Security personnel will be deployed at all high-rise buildings along the tour route. Security devices are monitored using drone-equipped cameras.
Commissioner Mishra said the Prime Minister would reach the State Shed from where he would reach Malviya Nagar by road and then lead the roadshow. During the movement of its convoys from the state shed to Malviya Nagar, normal traffic will be restricted and routes will be diverted.

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