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Zendaya's vintage 'Challengers' dress is almost a century old

Zendaya's vintage 'Challengers' dress is almost a century old


Zendaya is busy promoting Challengers in New York, bringing together eight outfits in two days of talk show appearances, meet-and-greets with fans and walks in front of paparazzi cameras. Her ninth look (that I counted) broke from her pattern of modern custom pieces and vintage runway for a one-of-a-kind archival dress. His age ? Almost a hundred years.

Law Roach and Zendaya showed their affinity for fashion's throwback with pieces dating back to the 1930s. Her outfit, out for a trip to the Zero Bond members' club on Wednesday, April 24, consisted of a semi-sheer midi dress in a airy, flowing fabric with a ruffled jacket tied on top. The star paired her dress with Gianvito Rossi sandals in a matching shade of green for a bright, minimalist beauty look.

Zendaya wears a chartreuse chiffon dress with coordinating shoes in New York to promote the Challengers

Zendaya stopped by Zero Bond, a members-only club, wearing a chartreuse chiffon dress and Gianvito Rossi heels.

(Image credit: Splash by Shutterstock)

Sweet vintage mess, a luxury consignment store, has confirmed that Law Roach went all out for Zendaya almost a year ago. (The piece was first listed on Sweet Disorder's Instagram in June 2023.)

“Thank you @luxurylaw for seeing how beautiful this piece is,” the store owner wrote in the caption of a post featuring Zendaya's look. “It’s a 1930s clothing set I found in an old trunk that I hand-dyed the perfect shade of green.”

Zendaya wears a semi-sheer chartreuse dress in NYC with matching sandals

A piece that looks a lot like Zendaya's sheer dress was posted on Sweet Disorder Vintage’s Instagram almost a year ago.

(Image credit: Splash by Shutterstock)

The archival materials were rare, but skilfully deployed, on the Zendaya site. Challengers tour. In Paris, she paid homage to a local legend (and his brand deal) by wearing two Marc Jacobs looks for the Louis Vuitton collections. These included a checkerboard coat dress from the spring 2013 collection and a silky chartreuse ensemble from the spring 1999 range.

Then in London, Zendaya paid homage to Vivienne Westwood, another designer synonymous with the city's fashion scene, with a pinstriped, feather-tailed ensemble from 1994. Coffee Company collection.

Zendaya wears a Marc Jacobs checkerboard dress for Louis Vuitton in Paris

Zendaya started it Challengers press stop in Paris with an archival Marc Jacobs coat dress for Louis Vuitton, from the spring 2013 collection.

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Zendaya wears vintage Vivienne Westwood ensemble in London

Then in London, she wore a pinstriped ensemble by Vivienne Westwood Coffee Company collection.

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Zendaya and Law Roach have incorporated vintage pieces into their method dressing approach during several press tours. Earlier this year, Dune: part two »s a sci-fi fantasy setting was brought to life with rarely seen pieces from Mugler and Givenchy, among others.

But the two weren't afraid to play with new elements for Zendaya's Wimbledon project. Challengers neither do the outfits. Much of the New York stop included ready-to-buy pieces, including Longchamp skirts, Tory Burch tennis sets and Loewe tees, as well as custom items like an Alaïa hooded dress in tennis white.

Zendaya wears white hooded dress to promote Challengers in New York

Zendaya's press appearances in New York for Challengers involved modern interpretations of tennis whites, including an Alaïa hooded dress.

(Image credit: Getty Images)

All these looks are probably leading to one last red carpet before the national championship. Challengers premieres Friday, April 26. Zendaya's century-old dress can't be replicated, but vintage pieces from Rixo, Reformation, and more come close. Shop them below.

Shop vintage-inspired dresses like Zendaya's




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