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Terry Carter, actor known for the original series Battlestar Galactica and McCloud, dies at 95

Terry Carter, actor known for the original series Battlestar Galactica and McCloud, dies at 95


Actor Terry Carter, who starred in the original TV series Battlestar Galactica and McCloud, as well as the film Foxy Brown, has died.

Carter died peacefully Tuesday at his home in New York, his website said. No cause of death has been revealed. He was 95 years old.

The website paid tribute to Carter and his pioneering career, remembering him as one of the first black actors to star regularly in a sitcom television series. The Brooklyn-born star, who began his decades-long career amid the civil rights movement, first gained television notoriety for his appearance on the Phil Silvers Show from 1955 to 1959.

For over 90 episodes, Carter played the role of Pvt. Sugie Sugarman versus Silvers Sgt. Ernie Bilko. Despite a four-year tenure on the CBS sitcom, Carter's next major television role did not arrive until the NBC crime drama McCloud aired in 1970. Carter starred as Sgt. Joe Broadhurst versus Dennis Weavers daring Sam McCloud.

In addition to his television program, Carter notably originated the role of Colonel Saul Tigh in the original series Battlestar Galactica, which aired from 1978 to 1979 on ABC. As Tigh, a direct executive who helped keep the Galacticas' operations running smoothly, Carter appeared alongside Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict and Lorne Greene, among others.

Carter's TV credits also included Playhouse 90, Mr. Belvedere, 227 and The Cop and the Kid. He has also graced the big screen during his career, appearing in minor roles in films such as Parrish, Attraction, Brother on the Run, Foxy Brown and Benji.

Born to William and Mercedes DeCoste on December 16, 1928, Carter pursued a career in entertainment after enlisting in the United States Merchant Marine under which he traveled to Europe and parts of South America, according to his website Internet. After spending time at sea, Carter returned to New York, where he worked at the Museum of Modern Art, which exposed him to a multitude of avant-garde independent and foreign films and sparked his interest in entertainment.

He attended Northeastern University to study law, but a growing interest in drama and theater derailed that path. After deciding to pursue acting full-time, under the mentorship of actor Howard da Silva, he adopted the last name Carter as his stage name.

Performances in theater productions including Greenwich Mews Theatre's Decision, Mrs. Broadway's Patterson and Finian Rainbow at City Center Theatre, paved the way for Carter's career across genres and genres.

Carter was also a director and producer who earned an Emmy nomination for directing an episode of American Masters about the life of jazz giant Duke Ellington. He also directed and produced The Katherine Dunham Technique, a project that offered a deep dive into the teachings of pioneering choreographers.

Carter served on the Board of Governors of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for two terms. He also founded the Council for Positive Images, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving intercultural and inter-ethnic understanding through audiovisual communication.

He is survived by his wife Etaferhu Zenebe-DeCoste, his children Miguel and Melinda, a granddaughter and numerous cousins. He was preceded in death by his former wives Anna DeCoste (married 1964 to 1990) and Beate Glatved DeCoste (married 1991 to 2006).

A private family memorial has been planned.




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