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Fire of Anatolia: 25 years of dance mastery at the Beikta Stadium in Istanbul

Fire of Anatolia: 25 years of dance mastery at the Beikta Stadium in Istanbul


Fire of Anatolia, known in Turkish as Anadolu Atei, recognized as one of Trkiye's pioneering, world-leading and most important dance groups, is preparing to celebrate its 25th anniversary with a very special sponsored stadium show by JRO Investment. Organized in collaboration with BWO Entertainment & Dolmabahe A.., the event, which will take place at Beikta Stadium on June 2, invites dance lovers and art lovers to an unforgettable experience. Bringing together the power of dance, our culture and the history of Anatolia, the event promises to offer spectators a unique experience.

Before the big show, Mustafa Erdoan, the artistic director of Fire of Anatolia, met with members of the press. The press conference began with a speech by Mer Lakay, CEO of BWO Entertainment.

Lakay said: “Anatolian Fire, which has been applauded by millions of people around the world for 25 years, proudly representing our country and waving our flag, is the national team and the pride of Trkiye in the world of arts.”

Mustafa Erdoan began his speech by thanking members of the press, stating that the performance scheduled for June 2 at Beikta Stadium will showcase the expertise accumulated by Fire of Anatolia over 25 years. He explained that dancers from 12 different schools in Trkiye were rehearsing to prepare for the show.

Erdoan said: “We have performed in 110 countries, reaching more than 50 million spectators. Currently, one of our groups is in Bogota, Colombia, another in Dezhou, China and one in Antalya, Trkiye. We are divided into three parts. continuing these tasks, we are also working on this project. This project is not just a classic Fire of Anatolia show, it will be a demonstration of what we have been doing from yesterday to tomorrow. “

New stage technique

Erdoan recently spoke about the meticulous preparations for the upcoming stadium show, focusing on creating an unprecedented stage experience. He revealed plans to use innovative stage techniques never before seen in Trkiye, including a specially designed lighting system with their developed mirror system. Additionally, Erdoan announced the development of a holographic visual display, using advanced laser technology to create captivating environments.

Continuing his remarks, Erdoan discussed his extensive experience and past achievements at major cultural events. From leading the cultural program for the 2008 Beijing Olympics to participating in renowned gatherings like the Asian Olympics, Formula 1 races and the Eurovision Song Contest, their portfolio is a testament to their expertise and their versatility.

Furthermore, they have successfully organized and hosted events such as the Winter Olympics and the European Youth Olympics, demonstrating their ability to overcome challenges, as evidenced by their execution of the Winter Olympics in Erzurum amid freezing temperatures. With this vast experience and great enthusiasm, Erdoan is looking forward to the June 2 event, reflecting the same enthusiasm as during his first adventures.

Guests from world stars

Erdoan shared his experiences of performing alongside global stars over the past 25 years, saying: “Those who can attend will be here, and those who cannot send video greetings and share their observations about us. We have also invited the esteemed artists with whom we have shared the stage and collaborated on projects in Trkiye to join us that day, it’s going to be a fantastic show.”

Reflecting on the beginnings of the Anatolian Fire in 1999, Erdoan mentioned the selection of dancers through newspaper advertisements. He explained: Our operations involve the coordination of various components. One group from Gaziantep focuses on one segment, while another from Ankara tackles two and a third from Izmir handles four parts. Meanwhile, our associates in China are leading rehearsals for the upcoming 25th anniversary show. Afterwards, they prepare for the evening show.

Eroan continued his speech by emphasizing the importance of this continued evolution in maintaining the group's vitality and relevance in the ever-changing world of performing arts. He emphasized the value of innovation and adaptation, noting how these practices have allowed Fire of Anatolia to remain at the forefront of the dance community, captivating audiences around the world.

He also mentioned that he and his brother, Ylmaz Erdoan, were considering writing a musical together.

The Sabah Daily News Bulletin

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